
Learning & Teaching Enhancement
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Generatiewe KI-stelsels in Ho?r Onderwys (ChatGTP)

Generatiewe KI-stelsels in Ho?r Onderwys (ChatGTP)?

??Die dokumente is tans net in Engels beskikbaar.???



???AI like ChatGPT is here to stay. It will only get more powerful. Students will use it. Although there are concerns, we believe that embracing AI could present exciting opportunities to rethink and reimagine our approach to TLA at SU so that we can equip our graduates with the necessary skills to work responsibly with AI.

DLTE@SU, January 2023

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Working document on Chat GPT in Higher Education Teaching-Learning-Assessment
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ChatGPT and AI.png

An introduction to AI in Teaching-Learning-Assessment

Video geskep deur Jan Petrus Bosman, Sentrum vir Leertegnologie?




Podgooi geskep deur? Jan Petrus Bosman, Sentrum vir Leertegnologie?

? Introduction to AI in TL?A?

