
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

???????????????????????????????????????Centre for Health Professions Education?


Exploring the development and application of a responsive curriculum framework for healthcare professionals in South Africa


The lead institution of this project is Stellenbosch 肆客足球. The CHPE of the FMHS at SU is responsible for project managing this collaborative project. The core team from SU comprises one project leader, one project coordinator and three researchers who serve as co-investigators and provide critical and expert input into the project and participate in research specifically in terms of data analysis and interpretation; dissemination of findings at symposia and conferences; as well as contribute to the development of academic outputs from the project, such as journal papers and book chapters. 

Each of the five collaborating institutions (SU, UWC, SMU, UCT, WITS and CPUT) provides two collaborators per institution. Collaborator 1 facilitates access to participating programmes and provides institutional support for the project, as well as contributes to data analysis and publication outputs. Collaborator 2 serves as the point person at the institution, assisting with data gathering and analysis and contributing to publication outputs and dissemination.?


