
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Department of ?Health Professions Education

?MPhil Health Professions Education


Health Professions Education (HPE) is a fast growing knowledge field that is enjoying increasing international interest and support. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 introduced the MPhil in HPE in 2008 in order to address the need for a post-graduate qualification in this field, specifically in the African context.

Since inception, this successful programme has produced a significant number of graduates from a number of countries across Africa and beyond and representing a diversity of health professions. In 2014, the Centre for Health Professions Education and its Postgraduate Programme Committee embarked on an in-depth process of curriculum renewal and in 2016, the revised M Phil in HPE programme was implemented by a highly competent interdisciplinary team of experts.

The M Phil in HPE runs over two years and comprises a contact week at the start of the academic year followed by a series of online engagements within the different modules across the balance of the year. Students are assessed by means of assignments that endeavour to make theory and practice relevant and of value in their own contexts.?

MPhil in HPE Experience?


How to stay up to date during the MPhil in HPE programme?


How to approach your ePortfolio?



For more information contact:

Mrs Lorraine Louw
+27 21 938 9047
Lorraine Louw.jpg


Dr Mariette Volschenk
+27 21 938 9447
mvolschenk@sun.ac.zaMariette 1.0 (1).jpg
