
Centre for Student Administration
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????????????????????????????????????Centre for Academic Administration

?Office of the Deputy ?Registrar

Farah Fredericks???

???Deputy Registrar: Academic Administration? ?(Tygerberg Campus)

Farah Fredericks?

?+27 21 938 9379

?? ?Send email
? ?FMHS readmission?
? ?General enquiries
  • ?Generally responsible for the strategic and operational management of the functions and staff within the Centre for Student Administration (Tygerberg Campus)
  • Processing of disciplinary matters of students in consultation with Faculty Management, the Student Discipline Office and the Division for Student Affairs
  • Providing input on relevant academic policies and procedures, and advising the Dean's Management Team of the FMHS?
  • Providing administrative and secretarial services to a variety of committees, including the Faculty Board
  • Responsible for the integrity of academic records on the Tygerberg Campus
  • Providing guidance and advice to prospective and current students, staff and members of the public regarding student and academic administration and related matters.?

Senior Manager: Academic? Administration
?(Tygerberg Campus)

Gift Nyirenda?

?+27 21 938 9284

?Send email
  • Coordinates the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and the South African Nursing Council (SANC) registration of all Faculty of Medicine and Health ?Sciences (FMHS) undergraduate students
  • ?Renders assistance to registrars and prospective specialists with their HPCSA registration
  • Responsible for editing the FMHS Calendar (Part 12).
Wanda de Jager?  

???Coord?inator: Office of the Deputy Registrar (Tygerberg Campus)

?Wanda de Jager?

?+27 21 938 9487

?Send email ?
?FMHS readmission?
? ?General enquiries
? ? ?
  • Operational coordination of the Deputy Registrar's Office (Tygerberg Campus) 
  • Operational coordination of the Centre for Student Administration (Tygerberg Campus)

  • Managing enquiries from students and general public, including management of the tygstudentadmin@sun.ac.za email account for general queries

  • Assisting students with Medium of Instruction letters for overseas work permits

  • Compilation of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) almanac of the Tygerberg Campus

  • Managing the storage and quality control of Leave of Absence forms

  • Provide support to the Deputy Registrar and FMHS for Readmission Applications

  • Co-manage the FMHS pledge ceremonies.