
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

???????????????????????????????????????????????Centre for Health Professions Education?


Exploring the development and application of a responsive curriculum framework for healthcare professionals in South Africa


SU outputs


    • ??Volschenk, M., & Hansen, A. (2024). Medical teachers’ identity learning during major curriculum renewal: A landscapes of practice perspective. Medical Teacher, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2024.2337245?
    • Hansen, A., Engel-Hills, P., Jacobs, C., Blitz, J., Cooke, R., Hess-April, L., Leisegang, K., Naidoo, N., Volschenk, M., & Van Schalkwyk, S. (2023). Understandings and practices: Towards socially responsive curricula for the health professions. Advances in Health Sciences Education 28, 1131?1149. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-023-10207-0
    • ?van Schalkwyk, S., & Blitz, J. (2023). Curriculum renewal towards critically conscious graduates: Implications for faculty development. Medical EducationJuly, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.15216??
    • ??Jacobs, C., Van Schalkwyk, S., Blitz, J., & Volschenk, M. (2020). Advancing a social justice agenda in health professions education.
    • Jacobs, C., Van Schalkwyk, S., Blitz, J., & Volschenk, M. (2020). Advancing a social justice agenda in health professions education. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL), 8(2), 112-131. https://doi.org/10.14426/cristal.v8i2.272
    • Jacobs, C., & Van Schalkwyk, S. (2022). What knowledge matters in health professions education? Teaching in Higher Education, 27(8), 1068–1083. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2022.2111207
    • Jacobs, C., & van Schalkwyk, S. (2022). What knowledge matters in health professions education. 肆客足球 World News Africa Edition. https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20221113211223808?


    Conferences and Presentations:

    • ?Conference oral presentation: AMEE conference 2022: What Knowledge matters in Health Professions Education; Jacobs, C. and van Schalkwyk, S.
    • ?Conference oral presentation: AMEE conference 2022: Medical teachers' identity learning in the context of major curriculum reform; Volschenk, M. and Hansen,A.
    • Conference oral presentation: SAAHE conference 2022: Medical teachers' identity learning in the context of major curriculum reform; Volschenk, M. and Hansen,A.
    • Conference oral presentation: Scholarship for Teaching and Learning conference Stellenbosch 肆客足球 2022: Medical teachers' identity learning during major curriculum reform: A Landscapes of Practice perspective; Volschenk, M. and Hansen, A.
    • Conference oral presentation: South African Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2022; Transformative learning and the development of social accountability: a case study in physiotherapy; Unger, M, Ernstzen, D, Titus, A, and Statham, S
    • Conference oral presentation: Legitimation Code Theory conference 2022: What Knowledge matters in Health Professions Education; Jacobs, C. and van Schalkwyk, S.
    • Conference oral presentation: AMEE conference 2021: Curriculum renewal towards critically conscious graduates: Implications for faculty development; Blitz, J.,van Schalkwyk, S. , Jacobs, C. and Volschenk, M.
    • Online presentation: Invited Guest speaker: SAAHE Regional Webinar 2021.Responsive curricula for healthcare professionals: advancing a social justice agenda in Health Professions Education; Volschenk, M., Jacobs, C., Van Schalkwyk, S., & Blitz, J.
    • Conference oral presentation: Social Justice Summit and international conference 2021: Responsive curricula for healthcare professionals; Jacobs, C., Blitz, J., Volschenk, M. and van Schalkwyk, S. 
    • Conference oral presentation: SAAHE 2021: Responsive curricula for healthcare professionals; Jacobs, C., Blitz, J., Volschenk, M. and van Schalkwyk, S. 
    • Conference oral presentation: Scholarship for Teaching and Learning conference Stellenbosch 肆客足球 2020: Fostering critically conscious graduates in Health Professions Education (HPE); Jacobs, C., Blitz, J., Volschenk, M. and van Schalkwyk, S. 
    • Presentation at SAAIR: Quality Forum 2020: A social justice imperative for teaching and learning; Van Schalkwyk, S.
    • ePoster at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences 64th Annual Academic Day 2020: Advancing a social justice agenda in health professions education. Volschenk, M., Jacobs, C., Van Schalkwyk, S., & Blitz, J.
    • Conference oral presentation: Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Health Humanities conference 2019: Responsive curricula for healthcare professionals; Jacobs, C., Blitz, J., Volschenk, M. and van Schalkwyk, S. 
    • Presentation at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Academic Day 2019: Responsive curricula for healthcare professionals; Jacobs, C., Blitz, J., Volschenk, M. and van Schalkwyk, S. 



    ?CPUT outputs 


    • Hudson, L., Engel-Hills, P., Davidson, F., & Naidoo, K. (2022). Radiography lecturers' understanding of a socially responsive curriculum. Radiography, 28(3), 684–689.

    Conferences and Presentations

    • Conference proceedings and online presentation: Researching Work and Learning Conference 2022 (RWL12) Work and learning for social change: curriculum and pedagogy to build critical consciousness; Engel-Hills, P.
    • ??Conference oral presentation: The Association of Medical Councils of Africa (AMCOA) International Conference hosted by the Health Professions Council of South Africa 2022 . Pedagogy to develop critical consciousness for health science students. Engel-Hills, P., Naidoo, K., Davidson, F. & Hudson, L.
    • Conference oral presentation: SAAHE2021 – Health Professions Educators' understandings of a 'responsive curriculum': Reflections from a UoT; Hudson, L. and Engel-Hills, P.
    • Conference presentation: HELTASA2021 – Reflective practice to enhance the understanding of being socially responsive; Naidoo, K., Davidson, F., Hudson, L. and Engel-Hills, P.
    • Abstract entitled Curriculum and pedagogy for critical consciousness, accepted: Researching Work and Learning 2022 (RWL12) – busy preparing conference proceedings



    This study was financially supported by the following grants:

    • SU: The Fund for Innovation and Research into Learning and Teaching
    • SU Internal research funding
    • SU Capacity Development grant
    • CPUT: National Research Foundation of South Africa