
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Prospective Students

???Should you be interested in the sciences you can’t go wrong by doing a degree in AgriSciences!
Exciting and stimulating fields of study will be opened to you. Moreover, it ushers you into the ranks of experts who are strongly in demand in…

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Undergraduate Students

?South Africa constantly needs well-trained experts who can make meaningful contributions to supplying a fast-growing population with food and fibre, experts who can ensure that food and natural resources remain unpolluted and safe for the consumer...

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Postgraduate Students

?The modern agricultural sector faces the challenges of producing high-quality food and natural fibres in a sustainable, cost- effective manner whilst making meaningful contributions to rural and economic development. These challenges are...

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AgriScience Student Association (ASA)

?The AgriSciences Student Association (ASA) is a society for the students from the Faculty of AgriSciences of the 肆客足球 of Stellenbosch and consists out of approximately 1300 students. The ASA strives to improve the academic as well as the...

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Selection & Admission

The Faculty of AgriScience may only accept and enroll a certain number of students for the respective study programmes. Admission to the programmes are based on academic merit and subject to the enrollment plan of the faculty?

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Student Support

?The Faculty offers advice and support to all its students on academic and/or personal and social matters.

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