肆客足球 Olympus
We as Olympus, strive to create a home away from home for the students within our community, to serve as a foundation upon which everlasting connections and friendships can be built.
Olympus' vision and mission
Olympus aligns itself with the 肆客足球’s goal to produce well rounded students, to enable our members to be their optimal selves. We use our values as our guide to ensure members learn to be independent and well versed in the cultural diversity in our country, as well as on campus.
Olympus' values
Critically engaged and aware
Individuality within the Community
The history of Olympus
Established in 2012, Olympus has become a prominent figure within the larger Stellenbosch community, with our aim on inclusivity and growth.
Activities and offerings
Olympus is multifaceted and we strive towards developing our Olympians holistically. Below are our various portfolios and activities that they offer.Welcoming
With the Welcoming Programme, we have focused on inclusivity and having a wide variety of activities for any and all types of people. The idea behind the Welcoming Programme is to ensure that newcomers know what is happening on campus and feel comfortable to join in. We based this Programme on the well-being and acclimation of all newcomers. You can refer to the Welcoming Booklet for more information.
Olympus offers a wide variety of cultural activities throughout the year, where you as an Olympian, can truly show what you're made of. The cultural activities are things such as Toneelfees, Molassesêr, SU Acappella, as well as other activities throughout the year where we can showcase our Olympus culture and spirit.
Olympus's sporting codes are very big part of what we are. We have PSO Barbarians rugby in which our students take part and play against residences on campus. We also have netball, cricket, hockey and soccer teams for men and women. A newly added sport to the Olympus sporting code is ultimate Frisbee. We also have big plans for esports this year, so watch this space!
Leadership Development
The emerging leaders programme seeks to develop the leadership potential of our newcomers through critical discussions and educational interaction. The programme consists of a variety of collaborations with other stakeholders, this culminates in community interactions and social impact initiatives, further, the programme allows for newcomers to develop their skills and leadership capacity through a variety of interactive development workshops.
Critical engagements
One of our values is centred around creating an environment that helps inspire members of our community to be critically aware and engaged. Several workshops, discussions and lecture series are hosted throughout the year; these engagements help foster a spirit of transformation and interaction with people of different walks of life to learn and grow.
Social impact
As students, we have the opportunity to help others and improve the communities around us. Olympus will be involved with various social impact projects throughout the year, that are open to any volunteers in our community. Unplanned social impact outreaches might pop up as well, such as Puppies and Pancakes, a market for homeless people in need or a care package initiative.
Considering that we are still a relatively young PSO, we aim to keep in contact with Olympus alumni, including our past leadership, by informing them with Olympus related news and the daily growth of the Olympus community. We also host an annual Alumni event that allows for everyone to get an opportunity to network with one another, furthermore, building stronger bonds within Olympus and Stellenbosch 肆客足球.
The value of a PSO extends well beyond welcoming newcomers. This portfolio is dedicated to serving our seniors and giving them the opportunity to be involved with the planning and management of the various activities Olympus offers.
Mentorship offered by Olympus
Our mentor programme provides an ecosystem of support to our newcomers in order to help with their transition from high school to university. The newcomers are afforded an opportunity to select their mentors this ensures that they receive a mentorship experienced based on genuine relatability between the mentor and mentee.The mentors further provide the newcomers with information on various events throughout the year, thus, keeping them informed of anything that is importance. Our mentor meet up several times throughout the year with their mentees to check up on their wellbeing; how they are coping academically or even just a coffee break if they are feeling overwhelmed.
The Olympus mentorship programme strives enhance the university experience of our newcomers, through assisting them on their journey of developing into better individuals.
Olympus' Primarius
Daniel Oliver
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Social Media
Click here to visit Olympus' Facebook page.
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Olympus' Instagram profile.