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Journal Articles?





  • Nienaber McKay AG, Brand D, Botes M, Cengiz N, Swart M. The regulation of health data sharing in Africa: a comparative study.  Journal of Law and the Biosciences 2024 - Click here for full text
  • Mtande, T. K., Lombard, C., Nair, G., & Rennie, S. (2024). Stakeholders’ experiences of ethical challenges in cluster randomized trials in a limited resource setting: a qualitative analysis. Research Ethics 2024 - Click here for full text
  • Ochieng J, Kwagala B, Baruganhane J, Moodley K. Awareness, experiences and perceptions regarding genetic testing and the return of genetic and genomics results in a hypothetical research context among patients in Uganda: a qualitative study - Click here for full text
  • ???Ferretti A, Adjei KK, Ali J, Atuire C, Ayuk BT, Banougnin BH, Cengiz N, Gichoya J, Moodley K, et al. Digital tools for youth health promotion: principles, policies and practices in sub-Saharan Africa. Health Promotion International 2024 - Click here for full text
  • Cengiz N, Kabanda SM, Moodley K. Cross-border data sharing through the lens of research ethics committee members in sub-Saharan Africa. PLOS ONE 2024 - Click here for full text
  • Burgess T, Rennie S, Moodley K. Exploring views of South African research ethics committees on pandemic preparedness and response during COVID-19. Research Ethics 2024? - Click here for full text?


  • Moodley K. Artificial intelligence (AI) or augmented intelligence? How big data and AI are transforming healthcare: Challenges and opportunities. The South African Medical Journal? 2024 - Click here for full text
  • Van Niekerk JP, Cluver P, Hertzog E, Kruger M, Moodley K, Myers J, Ncayiyana D, Snyman J. Decriminalising and legalising medical assistance in dying. South African Medical Journal Editorial 2024 - Click here for full text



  • Burgess T, Rennie S, Moodley K. Key ethical issues encountered during COVID-19 research: a thematic analysis of perspectives from South African research ethics committees. BMC Medical Ethics 2023 - Click here for full text?
  • Masiye F, Jaoko W, Rennie S. Stakeholder views on informed consent models for future use of biological samples in Malawi and South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics 2023 ?- Click here for full text?


South African Journal of Science Special Issue:
"Big Data and AI in health sciences research in sub-Saharan Africa"

  • Moodley K, Rennie S. The many faces of the big data revolution in health for sub-Saharan Africa. Guest Editorial.? - Click here for full text
  • Cengiz N, Kabanda S. Biased and sex-aggregated data: the forgotten half of the population. Book Review - Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Perez.? - Click here for full text
  • Obasa E, Palk A. Responsible application of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. - Click here for full text?
  • Kling S, Singh S, Burgess TL, Nair G. The role of an ethics advisory committee in data science research in sub-Saharan Africa.. - Click here for full text?
  • Nair G, Burgess TL, Obasa AE, Kling S, Singh S. Revisiting community engagement methods in the context of data science research and Big Data use in South Africa. - Click here for full text
  • ?Rennie S, Atuire C, Mtande T, Jaoko W, Litekwa S, Juengst E, Moodley K. Public health research using cell phone derived mobility data in sub-Saharan Africa: ethical issues. - Click here for full text
  • Brand D, McKay A, Cengiz N. What constitutes adequate legal protection for the collection, use and sharing of mobility and location data in healthcare in South Africa? - Click ?here for full text?
  • Cengiz N, Kabanda S, Esterhuizen T, Moodley K. Exploring Perspectives of Research Ethics Committee Members on the Governance of Big Data in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Click here for full text
  • Kabanda S, Cengiz N, Rajaratnam K, Watson B, Brown Q, Esterhuizen T, Moodley K. Data sharing and data governance in sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives from researchers and scientists engaged in data-intensive research.? - Click here for full text
  • Botes M. Regulating scientific and technological uncertainty: The precautionary principle in the context of human genomics and AI. - Click here for full text 
  • Brand D, Singh JA, McKay A, Cengiz N, Moodley K. A response to Thaldar et al. (2023): Data sharing governance in sub-Saharan Africa during public health emergencies? - Click here for full text??


  • Moodley K, Rennie S. ChatGPT has many uses. Experts explore what this means for healthcare and medical research. The Conversation 2023 - Click here for full text?



  • ?Stassen W, ?Rambharose S, Wallis L, Moodley K. The acceptability of delayed consent for prehospital emergency care research in the Western Cape province of South Africa. PLOS ONE 2022 - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley K. Vaccine inequity is unethical. Nature Human Behaviour 2022 - Click here for full text
  • S Singh, RJ Cadigan, K Moodley. Challenges to biobanking in LMICs during COVID-19: time to reconceptualise research ethics guidance for pandemics and public health emergencies? Journal of Medical Ethics 2022 Click here for full text?
  • ??Mtande TK, ?Nair G, Rennie, S. Ethics and regulatory complexities posed by a pragmatic clinical trial: a case study from Lilongwe, Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal 2022 - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley K, Cengiz N, Domingo A, Nair G, Obasa AE, Lessells RJ, de Oliveira T. Ethics and governance challenges related to genomic data sharing in southern Africa: the case of SARS-CoV-2. The Lancet Global Health 2022 - Click here for full text
  • Ochieng J, Kwagala B, Barugahare J, M?ller M, Moodley K. Feedback of individual genetic and genomics research results: A qualitative study involving grassroots communities in Uganda. PLOS ONE 2022. - Click here for full text
  • ???Mastroleo I, Upshur R, Adhikari N, Ahmad A, Angus D, Moodley K, et al. Emergency use of unproven clinical interventions outside clinical trials: ethical considerations. World Health Organization 2022. - Click here for full text?


  • ?Moodley, K. The ethics behind mandatory COVID-19 vaccination post-Omicron: The South African context. South African Journal of Science 2022 - Click here for full text
  • Nair, G, Kabanda, SM, Jacobs-Alfred, MMM, Obasa AE, McCaul, MG, Moodley, K. Electronic consent in a COVID-19 vaccine implementation trail in South Africa: Participant perspectives. South African Journal of Science 2022 - Click here for f?ull text?
  • ??Brand D, Singh JA, Nienaber McKay AG, Cengiz N, Moodley K. Data sharing governance in sub-Saharan Africa during public health emergencies: Gaps and guidance. South African Journal of Science 2022 - Click here for full text ?




  • ?Moodley K, Rossouw T. What could fair allocation of an efficacious COVID-19 vaccine look like in South
     Africa? The Lancet Global Health 2021?  ?- Click here for full text? 
  • ?Shenuka Singh; Keymanthri Moodley. Stakeholder perspectives on the ethico-legal dimensions of biobanking in South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics 2021 - Click here for full text
  • Glenn K Bonney, Claire Alexandra Chew, Keymanthri Moodley, et al?. Liver transplantation for non-resectable colorectal liver metastases: the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association consensus guidelines. The Lancet Gastrohep 2021. - Click here for full text
  • Keymanthri MoodleySiti Mukaumbya Kabanda, Anita Kleinsmidt & Adetayo Emmanuel Obasa.  COVID-19 underscores the important role of Clinical Ethics Committees in Africa. BMC Medical Ethics 2021 - Click here for full text?
  • S Singh, RJ Cadigan, K Moodley. "Online training as a means to improve the understanding of ethical, legal and social aspects of biobanking research: stakeholder perspectives from South Africa". Biopreservation and Biobanking 2021 – Click here for full text? 


  • Moodley K, Rossouw T. South African COVID-19 vaccine trials hold key lessons for future partnerships. The Conversation 2021 - Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, Blockman M, Pienaar D, Hawkridge A J, Meintjes J, Davies M-A, London L. Hard choices: Ethical challenges in phase 1 of COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in South Africa. The South African Medical Journal 2021 ?- Click here for full text ?
  • Moodley K, Maasdorp E, Rennie S. Could human challenge studies for COVID-19 vaccines be justified in South Africa? The South African Medical Journal 2021 - Click here for full text
  • Moodley K. Pandemics Remind Us of Our Responsibility to Ourselves, Others and Future Generations: A Time for Intergenerational Justice? Social and Health Sciences 2021 ? - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley K. ?Why COVID-19 vaccines should be mandatory in South Africa? The Conversation 2021 ?- Click here ?
  • Moodley K. COVID-19: 'A pandemic of the unvaccinated'? – compassion fatigue among healthcare professionals in South Africa. South African Medical Journal 2021? - Click here for full text 
  • Moodley K. Vaccine mandates in South Africa: where are they most needed? The Conversation 2021 - ?Click here



  • Moodley K, Kleinsmidt A. Allegations of misuse of African DNA in the UK: Will data protection legislation in South Africa be sufficient to prevent a recurrence? Developing World Bioethics 2020? - Click here for full text?
  • Durrheim D, Gostin L, Moodley K. When does a major outbreak become a Public Health Emergency of International Concern? The Lancet 2020 - Click here fo?r full text?
  • Hendricks M, Varathan O, Cassim F, Kidd M, Moodley K. Impact of implementing an online interactive educational tool for future HIV “cure" research in an HIV clinic waiting room in Cape Town, South Africa, AIDS Care 2020 - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley K, Ravez L, Obasa AE, Mwinga A, Jaoko W, Makindu D, Behets F, Rennie S. What could 'fair allocation' during the COVID-19 crisis possibly mean in sub-Saharan Africa? Hastings Centre Report 2020. - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley KRennie S, Behets F, Obasa AE, Yemesi R, Ravez L, Kayembe P, Makindu D, Mwinga A, Jaoko W. Allocation of Scarce Resources in Africa during COVID-19: utility and justice for the bottom of the pyramid? Developing World Bioethics 2020 - Click here for f?ull text.
  • Mastroleo I, Smith MJ, Ahmad A, Dagron S, Mathur R, Moodley KPascoe L, Pirard V, Thome B, Upshur R, Voo TC (WHO Meuri WG). Allocating scarce unproven interventions during Public Health Emergencies: insights from the WHO MEURI framework. American J of Bioethics. 2020? - Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, Kabanda SM, Soldaat L, Kleinsmidt A, Obasa AE, Kling S. Clinical Ethics Committees in Africa: lost in the shadow of RECs/IRBs? BMC Medical Ethics 2020 ??- Click here for full text? ????


  • Van Rensburg R, Pillay-Fuentes Lorente V, Blockman M, Moodley K et alMedical Cannabis: What practitioners need to know. South African Medical Journal 2020. 110 (3), 192-196. - Click here for full text
  • Moodley K. Obasa AE, London L. Isolation and Quarantine in South Africa during COVID-19: Draconian measures or proportional response. South African Medical Journal. 2020;110(6): DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.2020v110i6.14842? - Click here for full text
  • Singh JA, Moodley K. Critical care triaging in the shadow of COVID-19: Ethics considerations. South African Medical Journal. 2020; 110(5):355-359.? - Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, Allwood B, Rossouw T. (2020). Consent for critical care research after death from COVID-19: Arguments for a waiver. South African Medical Journal.- Click? here for full text ??
  • Rossouw T, Boswell M, Nienaber A, Moodley K. (2020). Comorbidity in context: Part 1. Medical considerations around HIV and tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa. South African Medical Journal - Click here for full text?
  • Rossouw T, Nienaber A, Boswell M, Moodley K. ‘Comorbidity in context: Part 2. Ethicolegal considerations around HIV and tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa.’ South African Medical Journal 2020.??- Click here for full text??
  • Moodley K, 2020. Gita Ramjee: A woman who pursued science for the greater good. The Conversation - Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, 2020. Tough choices about who gets access: The ethical principles guiding South Africa. The Conversation. - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley K, Kleinsmidt A, 2020. How South Africa's health system could take a hit from pandemic lawsuits. The Conversation. - Click here for full text?
  • A J Arendse, J F Coelho, S H Gebers. ‘Supernumery registrars: The unsung heroes facing unprecedented predicaments’ South African Medical Journal 2020. -Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, Gouws A. How women in academia are feeling the brunt of COVID-19. The Conservation - Click here for full text
  • Obasa AE, Singh S, Chivunze E, Burgess T, Masiye F, Mtande T, Ochieng J, Chalwe V, Mokgatla B, Rennie S, Moodley K. ‘Comparative strategic approaches to COVID-19 in Africa: Balancing public interest with civil liberties.’ South African Medical Journal 2020 - Click here for full text 
  • Moodley K. Research imperialism resurfaces in South Africa in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic – this time, via a digital portal?. South African Medical Journal 2020. - Click here for full text?




  • ?Moodley K, Staunton C, Rossouw T, de Roubaix M, Duby Z, Skinner D. The psychology of “cure"- unique challenges to consent processes in HIV cure research in South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics (2019) Click here for full text
  • Labuschaigne M, Dhai A, Mahomed S et al. "Protecting participants in health research: The South African Material Transfer Agreement" South African Medical Journal; 2019; 109(5) 353. Click here for full text
  • Rennie S, Moodley K. Delineating the role of penile transplantation when traditional male circumcisions go wrong in South Africa. J Med Ethics 2019;0:1–2. Click here for full text 
  • Staunton C, Abayomi A, Bassa F, Moodley K. Negotiating requests for reimbursement for community engagement: challenges in developing an educational video for genomic biobanking research in South Africa. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics: 2019? Click here for full text 
  • The Brussels Collaboration on Bodily Integrity. Medically Unnecessary Genital Cutting and the Rights of the Child: Moving Toward Consensus. The American Journal of Bioethics 19:10, 17-28, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2019.1643945? -  Click here for? full text 
  • Moodley K, Beyer C. Tygerberg Research Ubuntu inspired Community Engagement (TRUCE) Model: Integrating Community Engagement into Genomic Biobanking  Bio-preservation and Biobanking, 2019. - Click here for full text 
  • Nembaware V, Johnston K, Diallo AA, Kotze MJ, Matimba A, Moodley K, Tangwa GB, Torrorey-Sawe R,Tiffin N. A Framework for Tiered Informed Consent for Health Genomics Research in Africa. Nature Genetics, 2019?. -  Click here for full text 
  • Moodley K. Africa's genetic material is still being misused. ?The Conversation, December 2019? - Click here for full text 




  • Staunton C, de Roubaix M, Baatjies B, Black G, Hendricks M, Rossouw T, Moodley K. Ethical challenges in developing an educational video to empower potential participants during consent processes in HIV cure research in South Africa. Journal of Virus Eradication (2018) 4:e18-e2120. Click here for full text text
  • Hendricks ML, Nair G, Staunton N, Pather M, Garret N, Baadjies B, Kidd M, Moodley K. Impact of an educational video as consent tool on knowledge about cure research among patients and caregivers at HIV clinics in South Africa. Journal of Virus Eradication (2018) 4:103-107 Click here for full text
  • Chingarande GR, Moodley K. Disparate compensation policies for research related injury in an era of multinational trials: A case study of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics, 2018. 19:8 Click here for full text
  • Staunton C, Tindana P, Hendricks M and Moodley K. Rules of engagement: stakeholder perspectives on community engagement for genomic biobanking research in South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics, 2018, 9:13 Click here for full text
  • Pepper M , Dandara C, de Vries J, Dhai A, Labuschaigne M, Mnyongani F, Moodley K, Olckers, Pope A, Ramesar R, Ramsay M, Soodyall H, Towers W. ASSAf consensus study on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetics and genomics in South Africa. SA Journal of Science, 2018 114:11/12 - Click here for full text?

  • Moodley K, Beyer C. Tygerberg Research Ubuntu inspired Community Engagement (TRUCE) Model: Exploring CE in Genomic Biobanking as a component of the consent process. Biopreservation and Biobanking- Click here for full text

  • Hendricks M, Nair G, Staunton C, Pather M, Baatjies D, Kidd M, Moodley K. Evaluation of the impact of an educational video as a consent tool on knowledge about cure research among patients and caregivers from clinics in the WC and KZN, South Africa. J of Virus Eradication, 2018?




  • Moodley K and Rennie S. Penile transplantation as an appropriate response to botched traditional circumcisions in South Africa: an argument against- Journal of Medical Ethics- doi: 10.1136/medethics-2016-103515 2017- Click here for fu?ll text
  • Moodley, K. Legitimacy, Trust and Stakeholder Engagement: Biobanking in South Africa. Asian Bioethics Review (2017) 9:325–334 Click here for full text
  • Rennie S, Moodley K. The paywall as metaphor and symptom. The American Journal of Bioethics, 2017, Vol 17:10, 17-18  Click here for full text


  • Moodley, K. Archbishop Desmond Tutu: the essence of what it means to be human  - The conversation -Click here for full text??
  • Moodley, K. Mandela's last years: a narrative shrouded in conflict and assumption – The conversation - ??Click here for full text
  • Sidler D, Earp D, Van Nierkerk, Moodley K, Kling S. Targeting mothers and selling men what they do not want: A response to “Missed opportunities for circumcision of boys"- SAMJ, 2017?- Click here for full text


  • Moodley K, Rossouw T, Staunton C, Colvin CJ. Synergies, tensions and challenges in HIV prevention, treatment and cure research: exploratory conversations with HIV experts in South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics, 2016, 17:26. Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, Singh S. “It's all about trust": reflections of researchers on the complexity and controversy surrounding biobanking in South Africa. BMC Medical Ethics, 2016, 17:57. Click here for full text
  • Deeks S, Lewin SR, Ross AL, Ananworanich J….Moodley K…et al. International AIDS Society global scientific strategy: towards an HIV cure 2016. Nature Medicine, 2016, 22: 839-850. Click here for full text
  • Ganya W, Kling S, Moodley K. Autonomy of the child in the South African setting: is a 12 year old of sufficient maturity to consent to medical treatment? BMC Medical Ethics, 2016, 17:66. Click here for full text
  • Staunton C, Moodley K. Community Engagement for Biobanking Research: Perspectives from Africa. Asia Pacific Biotech News (APBN) ,2016, Vol 20:2. Click on link for full text online


  • Staunton C, Moodley K. Data mining and biological sample exportation from South Africa: A new wave of bioexploitation under the guise of clinical care? (Editorial) SAMJ 2016; 106, (2):136-138 - Click here for full text



  • Moodley K, Staunton C, de Roubaix M, Cotton M. HIV Cure Research in South Africa: A preliminary exploration of stakeholder perspectives (2016) AIDS Care DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2015.111235 Click here for full text
  • Staunton C, Informed consent for HIV cure research in South Africa: issues to consider BMC Medical Ethics, 2015, 16:3. doi:10.1186/1472-6939-16-3? Click here for full text
  • Rennie S, Siedner M, Tucker JD, Moodley K. The ethics of talking about 'HIV cure' BMC Medical Ethics, 2015, 16:18.doi:10.1186/s12910-015-0013-0 Click here for full text
  • Malan T, Moodley K. Therapeutic Misconception in Oncology Trials in South Africa, J of Empirical Research Ethics, 2015, 11(1):47-56. Click here for full text
  • Mwinga A, Moodley K. Engaging with Community Advisory Boards (CABs) in Lusaka Zambia: perspectives from the research team and CAB members. BMC Medical Ethics, 2015; 16:39 Click here for full text
  • Moodley K, Kling S, Dual Loyalties, Human Rights Violations, and Physician Complicity in Apartheid South Africa. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, 2015; 17(10): 966-9 Click h?ere for full text
  • Silverman H, Sleem H, Moodley K, Kumar N, Naidoo S, Jaafar R, Moni M. Results of a Self-Assessment Tool to Assess Operational Characteristics of Research Ethics Committees in Developing Countries". Journal of Medical Ethics, 2015; 41:332-337. Click here for full text


  • Moodley K. The Fabricius decision on the Stransham-Ford case – an enlightened step in the right direction. SAMJ 2015;105(6):434-435- Click here for full text





  • Medical Ethics, Law and Human Rights: a South African Perspective? 2nd Edition (2017) Van Schaik Publishers - Click here for full text?


Book Chapters


  • Moodley K. Science, Race and Ethics in “Faultlines: A primer on race, science and society”. Edited by Jonathan Jansen. African Sun Media. (2020)? - Click here for full text?


  • Moodley K. Standards of Care in “Encyclopaedia of Bioethics". Edited by Henk ten Have. Springer. (2015)? - Click here for full text?
  • Moodley K. Clinical Ethics in “Encyclopaedia of Bioethics”. Edited by Henk ten Have. Springer. (2015) - Click here for full text?


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