?EuropeAid Project Visibility Activities
This project is funded by the European Union and led by Prof Bob Mash and his team at the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Stellenbosch 肆客足球. Funding for visibility activities is included in the project budget. See also Project Outputs page.
On 2 March 2016, Zelra Malan and Klaus von Pressentin presented an overview of the progress made and future direction for the EuropeAid project as it turns the 2-year mark: please see PowerPoint presentation.?
?Primafamed workshop 2014
Primafamed workshop 2015
Primafamed workshop 2016?
The Network: TUFH conference 2014
?The EuropeAid project team is pictured here with workshop co-presenters from China, India, Brazil and Belgium.
The group of co-presenters published an article, "The roles and training of primary care doctors: China, India, Brazil and South Africa??" in the Human Resources for Health journal, December 2015:
Human Resources for Health 2015, 13:93doi:10.1186/s12960-015-0090-7
The electronic version can be found online at: http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/13/1/93???The Network: TUFH conference 2015
The EuropeAid project team is pictured here with colleagues from Lesotho, India, Botswana and South Africa
Presentations made by EuropeAid project team (PDF of PowerPoint presentations available below - please select presenter):- Prof Bob Mash on the development of a national training module: leadership and governance for family physicians
- Dr Zelra Malan on the development of a national postgraduate diploma in family medicine
- Dr Klaus von Pressentin on the training of family medicine trainers and examiners
The Network: TUFH conference 2016
Dr Klaus von Pressentin represented the project team at the conference, held in Shenyang, China. Abstracts of his oral and poster presentations are available. He presented on the postgraduate diploma and the research activities of the project. He is pictured here with international colleagues during one of the parallel sessions.
Botswana Family Medicine conference 2015
Prof Bob Mash was a keynote speaker at the 3rd National Family Medicine Conference of Botswana
(September 2015)Plenary Presentation (PDF of PowerPoint presentation)_Bob Mash.pdf
2nd National C?onference of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2015? (organised by the Academy of Family Physicians of India) - http://www.fmpc2015.com/?
Dr Zelra Malan on the development of a national postgraduate diploma in family medicine
Design of a new Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine South Africa.pdf
Reference to EuropeAid project in reports, newsletters and other publications
South African Academy of Family Physicians - Newsletter, December 2014
Design of a National Diploma in Family Medicine: Workshop with the Education and Training Committee of the SA Academy of Family PhysiciansThe project received global attention during April 2015 as part of the EU Development Year 2015 initiative - please see the story of "Upgrading family doctors' skills in South Africa".
Published article on learning needs of primary care doctors:
The self-reported learning needs of primary care doctors in South Africa: a descriptive survey??Published article on the design of the new national postgraduate diploma in family medicine:
Strengthening primary health care through primary care doctors: the design of a new national Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine???
?Please visit (and Like) our Division's Facebook page for photos and news: https://www.facebook.com/stelfammed
Please follow our Division's Twitter handle:
Please visit links to the following EU websites:
The South African EU Delegation: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/south_africa/index_en.htm
The EuropeAid Cooperation Office: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/
The information on this website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.?