?EuropeAid Project Outputs
?This page summarises some of the outputs of this Division's EuropeAid project:
"Strengthening primary health care through primary care doctors and family physicians?"
1. ?Designing a new National Diploma to up-skill and re-orientate existing primary care doctors
?See page with full chronological description of Diploma design process?.
a. National Stakeholder Workshop 5 - 6 June 2014: Summary
b. Diploma Design Workshop 18 - 19 September 2014: Summary?
c. Diploma Workshop 11 November 2014: Summary
d. Published article on learning needs of primary care doctors:
The self-reported learning needs of primary care doctors in South Africa: a descriptive survey?
e. Published article on the design of the new national postgraduate diploma in family medicine:
Strengthening primary health care through primary care doctors: the design of a new national Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine???
2. Providing training in clinical supervision/training and in assessment for all family physician training programmes
a. RCGP (UK) training in assessment
Workshops were held on assessment for examiners at the bi-annual FCFP(SA) clinical examinations.
b. RCGP (UK) training of family medicine trainers
Two 5-day workshops were held:? August 2014 and February 2015.
3. Developing a national training module on leadership and clinical governance for family physicians
?a. National Stakeholder Workshop 21 -22 April 2015: ?
4. Applied Research: Evaluating the impact of family physicians within the district health system
An update on the progress made with the research project was presented to Dr Arno Schaefer on 26 November 2015. Dr Schaefer is the Head of
Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of South
Africa?. A podcast of the presentation is available at the following link:
These activities have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of these documents are the sole responsibility of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.?