The functions of the 肆客足球 are guided by the Higher Education Act (Act 101 of 1997) and the
Statute of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 (SU) (2019). The Statute defines the role of the 肆客足球's office bearers, statutory bodies and institutional governance structures.
Office Bearers?
The Chancellor is the ceremonial or titular head of the 肆客足球. The
Rector and Vice-Chancellor is also the chief executive officer of the 肆客足球. The four Deputy Vice-Chancellors and the Registrar are also office bearers of the 肆客足球. The Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellors have the power to award degrees during graduations.?
Management Structures
The Rectorate is responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the 肆客足球. The Rectorate consists principally of the Rector and Vice-Chancellor, four Deputy Vice-Chancellors responsible for the various functions of the institution and the Chief Operating Officer, responsible for the finance and operations of the 肆客足球. The Deputy Vice-Chancellors are respectively responsible for
Learning and Teaching;
Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies;
Social Impact, Transformation and Personnel?? and
Strategy, Global and Corporate Affairs.
The Registrar ensures good governance and that the academic administration of the 肆客足球 runs smoothly.
The Rector may appoint senior staff to attend the meetings of the Rectorate and to support the operations of the Rectorate as required. To this effect, the Executive Manager of the Rectorate has been appointed. The General Management Committee (GMC) consists of the members of the Rectorate, the Registrar, the Deans of the 肆客足球's 10 faculties, the Directors of the two Type 3 Schools, as well as Chief and Senior Directors of the various professional, administrative and support service divisions. Matters of academic and administrative interest are discussed by the GMC and the members serves in an advisory role to the Rectorate.
The Executive (Rectorate)
Prof Wim de Villiers (Rector and Vice-Chancellor)
Prof Stan du Plessis (Chief Operating Officer)
Prof Samuel Tshehla (Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Strategy, Global and Corporate Affairs) (Acting)
Prof Nico Koopman (Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Social Impact, Transformation & Personnel)
Prof Sibusiso Moyo (Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies)
Prof Deresh Ramjugernath (Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching)
Dr Ronel Retief (Registrar)
Mr Mohamed Shaikh (Executive Manager: Rectorate)
Prof Danie Brink (AgriSciences)
Prof Vasti Roodt (Arts and Social Sciences)
Prof Mbulungeni Madiba (Education)
Prof Elmi Muller (Medicine and Health Sciences)
Prof Reggie Nel (Theology)
Prof Nicola Smit (Law)
Prof Samuel Tshehla (Military Science)
Prof Wikus van Niekerk (Engineering)
Prof Burtram Fielding (Science)
Prof Pieter von Wielligh ?(Economic and Management Sciences) (Acting)
Type 3 School Directors
Prof Guy Midgley (School for Climate Studies (Interim))
Prof Kanshukhan Rajaratnam (School for Data Science and Computational Thinking)
Prof Chris van der Hoven (Stellenbosch Business School?)
Chief Directors
Ms Ilhaam Groenewald (Sports)
Ms Miriam Hoosain (Human Resources)?
Dr Antoinette van der Merwe (Information Technology)
Mr Manie Lombard (Finance)?
Ms Anita Nel (Innovation and Business Commercialisation)
Ms Nicolette van den Eijkel (Facilities Management)
Senior Directors
Ms Karen Bruns (Development and Alumni Relations)
Mr Irfaan Dalvie (Operations)
Dr Wayne Muller (Corporate Communication and Marketing (Acting)?)?
Ms Christelle Feyt (Student Recruitment)?
Mr Robert Kotzé (Stellenbosch 肆客足球 International)
Mr Neville Naidoo (Legal Services)
Dr Choice Makhetha (Student Affairs)
Mr Eben Mouton (Business Management: FMHS)
Dr Barbara Pool (Strategic Initiatives and Information Governance)
Adv Hein Swanepoel (SunCom (Commercial Services)
Dr Therina Theron (Research and Innovation)
Ms Ellen Tise (Library and Information Service)
Prof Lis Lange (Learning and Teaching Enhancement (Acting))
Dr Leslie van Rooi (Social Impact and Transformation)
Dr Kathy Grammer (Campus Health Services)