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Managing the SU Strategic Fund


The SU Strategic Fund focuses on initiatives that are directly aligned with the vision, mission and core strategic themes of the 肆客足球, as contained in Vision 2040 and the Strategic Framework 2019–2024. Funds are allocated in respect of the six core strategic themes of the 肆客足球 and the associated institutional goals.

The Division for Strategic Initiatives houses both the secretariat and process manager for the Fund and therefore takes responsibility for its management and administration. In this way the division assists the 肆客足球's management in aligning strategic funding with the 肆客足球's strategic goals.

2024-Timeline (There is no opportunity to apply for funding in 2024.)

Submit Category A and B applications (Round 1), as well as Category C applications


The grading panel evaluates the applications

The Strategic Fund Committee meets and decides which Category A and B applications advance to Round 2, and which Category C applications are approved
Submit Category A & B applications (Round 2), as well as new Category C applications
The grading panel evaluates the applications
The Strategic Fund Committee meets and decides which projects will be funded (Category A, B and C)

Important Strategic Fund documentation

Strategic Fund Category Consult the Strategic Fund Regulation on SunRecords
(Click on the word "regulation" below or on the relevant addendum in order to open the document)
Cover page templates
Round 1 Round 2
ARegulation+Addendum A Click here Click here
BRegulation+Addendum B Click here Click here
C.1.1Regulation+Addendum C Click hereClick here
C.1.2Regulation+Addendum D Click hereNA
+Addendum E Click hereNA

Contact person: Mr Martin de Abreu??

Managing the SU Strategic Fund