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Health Promotion Program?me??

What does health promotion entail?

"Health promotion supports personal and social development through providing information, education for health and enhancing life skills. By so doing, it increases the options available to people to exercise more control over their own health and over their environments, and to make choices conducive to health. Enabling people to learn throughout life, to prepare themselves for all of its stages and to cope with chronic illness and injuries is essential…"Ottawa Charter, WHO 1986?


Everyone feels blue at one time or another. A death in the family, a disappointment in your career, a romance gone awry–all can cause most people to feel down for a period of time. Grief and sadness are normal reactions to life’s stressful events. After a time, however, most people will heal and return to a normal life.

Depression is more than the normal ups and downs of life that we all have. When sadness just won’t go away and it begins to interfere with daily life we recognize this as a mood disorder called depression.

Early symptoms of mild depression

Changes in sleeping and eating patterns; heightened irritability, demotivation and inability to control or contain levels of frustration; mysterious aches and pains; lethargy and negativity; lack of enthusiasm or inability to enjoy recreational activities and tearfulness are all early symptoms of mild depression.


Chronic stress increases your susceptibility to depression, the most common mental illness of our time. And women between 30 and 40 are particularly at risk.

Stress tips – How to manage stress?

Identify your stressors


Are you feeling anxious, can you cope with the demands made of you? Do you have feelings of unease or dread? Ask yourself if you’re taking on too much. If you are, find practical solutions to scale down.

Exercise, exercise, exercise


Exercise increases the body’s production of endorphins, improves the brain’s oxygen supply and releases tension in muscles. Walk, join a running club, start yoga or t’ai chi. But get going now.

Learn to defend yourself


If you’re a woman living in South Africa today, you simply have to learn to defend yourself against a violent attack or rape. Find the best self-defense teacher in your area and sign up. And take your friends with you.



Meditation stills the mind and rejuvenates the soul. It lowers the heart rate, blood pressure and the flow of stress hormones.

Go for regular massage


Massage is an excellent
?? – and proven – antidote to stress.

Start talking


Whether you unburden to a friend, or seek professional counseling, it’s essential to talk to someone if you feel you’re on the verge o f a breakdown, or you are already having one. Think of it as a learning experience, and confront the situation. Try to minimize the possibility of it recurring.


AIDS Workplace progra?mme????????

Stellenbosch 肆客足球 acknowledges that employees living with HIV and AIDS have a right to equality, dignity and privacy, and also acknowledges the seriousness of the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

The workplace programme is aligned with the vision and mission of the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Office of the Institutional HIV Coordinating Committee (OIHCC) ?and aims to heighten awareness, prevent the spread of infection through education and training and collectively creating an environment for all personnel, free from unfair discrimination on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.

The programme for HIV/AIDS offers:

The Office for Institutional HIV Coordination (OIHC) adopted a Shared Vision:

“By 2012 there are no new infections on campus.  肆客足球 management, institutional units, staff and students are working together to enable leadership, health seeking behaviour and quality education needed to effectively respond to the challenges of HIV and Aids in South Africa, and the African continent.”

With this vision statement, Stellenbosch 肆客足球 commits itself to an outward-oriented role within South Africa, in Africa, and globally of creating an HIV free future.


Staff Peer Educator Programme

Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Staff Peer Education and training programme was piloted in November 2008, with representatives from faculties and departments.

A second group of staff members were subsequently trained during the months of April and May 2009.

The Staff Peer Education programme was initiated to address specific HIV messaging tailored to the needs of the staff at Stellenbosch 肆客足球.

We have to remember that staff members face different challenges than students. As parents, community leaders and professional service providers, staff members fulfil many different roles in their work and personal lives and often underestimate the impact of their work on their families, colleagues and wider community. This programme aimed to train individuals to be both knowledgeable on the issue of HIV but also to be able to communicate and discuss aspects of sexual health with fellow staff members, their families and the community.

The trained peer educators will assist the university in promoting sexual health services to staff, facilitating training and awareness activities and providing feedback to the Wellness Programme on the needs of staff regarding HIV and sexual health.??

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