
?????????????????????????The Institutional Committee for Staff Health and Wellbeing is mand???ated by the Rectorate and reports to it at least twice a year on all wellbeing matters. One of the functions of the committee is to advocate for and advance? the health and wellbeing mandate of the university and the implementation thereof, as supported by Vision 2040 and the Strategic Framework 2019-2024. 

Read more on the terms of reference her?e?.

Committee Members?

Person  Designation/Department Email Address

?Prof Nico Koopman


Chair & Deputy Vice Chancelor: Social Impact, Transformation and Personnel (ex officio) as chairperson

Dr Pierre Viviers Vice-Chair & Senior Director: Staff Health & Wellbeing plviviers@sun.ac.za
?Ms Miriam Hoosain
?Chief Director: Human Resources
Ms Valdene Southon
Committee Coordinator / Secretariat vsouthon@sun.ac.za
?Ms Joanne Williams
?Project Coordinator: RC: Social Impact, Transformation & Personnel
Ms Shibu MamaboloHead: Wellbeing Office shibu@sun.ac.za
Ms Nicolette van den EijkelChief Director: Facilities Management vdeijkel@sun.ac.za
Ms Anne Havemann-Serfontein
RC: Registrar's Division
Project Manager ISFAP
Ms Maryke Hunter-Husselman RC: Research & Innovation
Director: Research Information and strategy
Mr Charl Davids RC: Learning & Teaching
Director: Centre for student counseling and development
Dr Alten du Plessis

RC: Strategy & Internationalisation
Deputy Director: tracking and development

Prof Catherine du ToitFaculty of Arts & Social Sciences Cdt@sun.ac.za
Dr JA FeldmanFaculty of Education jfeldman@sun.ac.za
Marna LourensFaculty of Law Mlourens@sun.ac.za
Marieke BrandFaculty of Theology mariekeb@sun.ac.za
Mr M TshokotshaFaculty of Military Sciences mvuyisit@sun.ac.za
Ms S Crumpton
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences scrumpton@sun.ac.za
MJ FreeboroughFaculty of AgriSciences mfree@sun.ac.za
Ms N WhiteFaculty of Engineering natalies@sun.ac.za
?Ms Ilse de Kock
?Faculty of Science
Prof G GorgensFaculty of Economic & Management Sciences ekermans@sun.ac.za
Saartjie Botha
Director: Woordfees
?Dr Craig Thompson
?Campus Health Service
?Mr Sean Surmon
?Maties Sport
?Mr Jaco Greeff Brink
?Head: Equality Unit


HWB Member PAs 

Michelle Jooste??
(Prof Koopman)
Venessa Williams
venessa@sun.ac.za(M Hoosain)
L Matthee?
lvr@sun.ac.za?(N van den Eijkel)