Division of Ophthalmology
Scientific, Peer review articles and Published Abstracts
- D P Mouton, D Meyer: Oculomotor Nerve palsy precipitating acute angle-closure glaucoma. South African Medical Journal, Vol. 75, 15 April 1989, 397-398.
- D Meyer, H V Gimbel: Adrenergic/Anticholinergic responses after photorefractive keratectomy. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Vol. 17, no. 6, November 1991, 862-863.
- D Meyer, et al: Effect of combined peribulbar and retrobulbar injection of large volumes of anesthetic agents on the intraocular pressure. Can J Ophthalmology - Vol. 27, no 5: 230-232, 1992.
- H V Gimbel, D Meyer: Small incision trabeculotomy combined with Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Vol 19:92-96, 1993.
- D Meyer, H V Gimbel: Myasthenia Gravis induced by topical ophthalmic preparations - A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology. 12(3):210-212, 1992.
- H V Gimbel, D Meyer, et al: Intraocular pressure response to combined phacoemulsification and trabeculotomy ab externa versus phacoemulsification alone in primary open-angle glaucoma. J Cataract Refractive Surgery, Vol 21, Nov 1995.
- D Meyer: Co-Medical Advisor (S.A. Edition) Book: "Jou Gesondheid in jou hande", May 1996.
- D Meyer: Ophthalmia Neonatorum prophylaxis - Can we do it more cost effectively? South African Medical Journal, Vol.87, 1997, 471-472
- P van der Bijl, D Meyer: Ocular complications of dental local anaesthesia. South African Dental Journal, 53, 235-238. May 1998.
- D Meyer: Oogsorg in Suid-Afrika – op pad na 2000. Continuing Medical Education Journal of MASA. Editorial June 1998. Vol 16. No 6, 491-492.
- D Meyer: Cataract prophylaxis – An impossible dream? Continuing Medical Education Journal of MASA. June 1998. Vol 16. No 6, 544-546.
- D Meyer, P H Liebenberg, F J Maritz, L J Burgess: Cortical Opacities in the young patient – an indication for a lipogram? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. March 15, 1999. Vol 40. No 4. 5885. (Published Abstract).
- D Meyer, FJ Maritz, PH Liebenberg, DP Parkin, LJ Burgess: Cortical Opacities in the young patient - an indication for a lipogram? South African Medical Journal. June 2001,Vol 91, No 6 .520-524
- P van der Bijl, AD van Eyk, D Meyer: Effects of three Penetration Enhancers on Transcorneal Permeation of Cyclosporine. Cornea 20(5);505-508, 2001.
- D Meyer: A Practical Approach to the Management of Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology - Journal of the Allergy Society of South Africa. Vol 13 No.4 December 2000.
- D Meyer. PH Liebenberg, FJ Maritz Low High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) blood levels as a risk factor for the development of Human Lenticular Opacities. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. March 15, 2001. Vol 42, No 4. (Published Abstract)
- D Meyer, Parkin D.P. Seifart H.I., Engelbrecht H., Werely C Acetylation status as a risk indicator for age related cataracts – a population study. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. Volume 30, Supplement, April 2002.p A124 (Published abstract)
- D Meyer, FJ Maritz, PH Liebenberg. Abnormal Serum Lipid levels as a risk factor for the development of human lenticular opacification. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. Volume 30, Supplement, April 2002.p A255 (Published abstract)
- D Meyer, Parkin D, Maritz FJ, Liebenberg PH. Abnormal Serum Lipoprotein Levels As A Risk Factor For The Development Of Human Lenticular Opacities. Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa. Vol 14, No. 2, March/April 2003, p44-48.
- D Meyer. Inflammatory conditions of the anterior segment causing painful eyes. Continuing Medical Education Journal(CME) of SAMA, June 2002 Vol 20 No.6 p374-381.
- P van der Bijl, AH Engelbrecht, AD van Eyk and D Meyer. Comparative Permeability of Human and Rabbit Corneas to Cyclosporin and Tritiated Water. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Volume 18, Number 5, 2002 p.419-427.
- Meyer D, Parkin DP, Seifart HI, Maritz JS, Engelbrecht AH, Werely CJ, and van Helden PD. NAT2 Slow Acetylator Function as a Risk Indicator for Age-Related Cataract Formation. Pharmacogenetics. Vol 13 No 4, 2003. p.1-5
- van der Bijl P, van Eyk AD, Seifart H I, Meyer D. In vitro Transcorneal Penetration of Metronidazole and its potential use as adjunct Therapy in Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Cornea. May;23(4):386-389 and American Journal of Ophthalmology October 2004 Vol 138(4):702
- Wevill MT, Meyer D, Van Aswegen E. Deep sclerectomy with implantation of chromic suture material as a collagen implant: medium term results. EYE. 2005 May; 19(5):546-548.
- Meyer D Liebenberg PH, Maritz FJ. Serum lipid parameters and the prevalence of corneal arcus in a dyslipidemic patient population. Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa. 2004 Jul-Aug;15(4):166-9; discussion 169.
- van der Bijl P, van Eyk AD, Seifart H I and Meyer D. Diffusion of Metronidazole, released from Aqueous Solution and a Gel, through Human and Rabbit Corneas. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Oct;20(5):421-9
- Meyer D. "Essential Topical Ocular Diagnostic Drugs for the Family Physician". SA Family Practice incorporating Geneeskunde. June, 2004. Editor: Douw G. S. Greeff
- Meyer D, Riley F. Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Orbit: A Clinicopathologic Entity that Warrants both a Heightened Awareness and an Atraumatic Surgical Removal Technique. Orbit, Mar 2006, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p45-50
- Hailah Al-Hussain, Ali A. Al-Rajhi, Saad Al-Qahtani, Meyer D. Congenital Upper Eyelid Eversion Complicated by Corneal Perforation. BJO June 2005 89;6:771
- Meyer D. The Judicious use of Topical Corticosteroids in Eye Conditions. SA Family Practice. 2004 October;46(9):4.
- Arif O. Khan, Meyer D. “Corneal tattooing for the treatment of debilitating glare in a child with traumatic iris loss’ American Journal of Ophthalmology May 2005. 139; 5:920-921.
- Meyer D. “Management of Chronic Blepharoconjunctivitis”. Modern Medicine of South Africa. 2005 April. 30;(4):58.
- Viljoen RD, Meyer D. “Cataracts – the state of the art in 2005”. The Specialist Forum. 2005 July;5(7):22-31.
- Meyer D. “Recent advances in clinical ophthalmology”. The Specialist Forum 2005 November; 11(5):54-55
- Meyer D. “Eye signs that alert the clinician to a diagnosis of Aids”. SA Dental Journal 2005 October; 60(9):386-387
- Meyer D. “Cataracts – A grave situation”. Diversions 2005 September; 16(8):64-65
- Meyer D. “Pharmacotherapy for Allergic Eye conditions” Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2006 June;19(2):65-68. (Invited author)
- Meyer D. “The Challenges of Ocular Allergic Conditions Today” Editorial for June 2006 issue of Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2006 June;19(2):54 (Invited Editorial)
- Meyer D. “Diagnosis and Management Concepts of Dry Eye Syndrome – An Update”. Invited paper for July 2006 issue of Specialist Forum.
- van Eyk AD, van der Bijl P, Meyer D. In vitro Transcorneal Diffusion of the Immunosuppressant Tacrolimus through Human and Rabbit Corneas. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Apr;23(2):146-51
- RD Viljoen, Meyer D. Treating cataracts – the state of the art in 2005. SA Ophthalmology Journal. March 2006. 1(1):5-14.
- Meyer D. “Diagnosis and Management Concepts of Dry Eye Syndrome – An Update”. SA Ophthalmology Journal. June/July 2006. 1(2)8-17.
- Smit D, Meyer D. “Immune recovery uveitis: An update”. SA Ophthalmology Journal. Summer 2006. 1(4):12-16.
- Smit D, Meyer D. Intravitreal bevacizumab: An Analysis of the Evidence. Clinical Ophthalmology 2007. 1(3): 273-284.
- Meyer D. The Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation Disorders (CCDDs) – Understanding a New Pathophysiological Concept. SA Ophthalmology Journal. Winter 2007. 2(3):16-20.
- McKenzie S, Meyer D. Oculomotor nerve Palsy in a patient with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. (Submitted to BJO May 2007)
- Meyer D. The New Challenge of Corneal Transplantation in South Africa. Editorial. SA Medical Journal 2007 July;97(7):512.
- Meyer D. Can we be smart and reduce our dependency on scarce human corneal donor tissue? SA Ophthalmology Journal. Winter 2007. 2(3):6-8.
- Grove JD, Meyer D. Aplastic anaemia presenting as spontaneous orbital hemorrhage – a case report. Orbit. 27:391-393, 2008
- Louw DS, Meyer D, Ziskind A, Werely CJ, Van Helden PD. An Investigation into the NAT2 acetylator genotype of patients with age-related macular degeneration. (For Submission)
- Meyer D, Van Dyk M. An Investigation into the Sensitivity of Hutchinson’s Sign in HIV positive patients with Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. Clinical and Experimental Ophtalmology.(Published Abstract) p A153-154, Volume 36, Supplement 1, June 2008. ISSN 1442-6404.
- van Eyk AD, Seifart H I, Meyer D, van der Bijl P. In vitro transcorneal diffusion of the antimicrobial macrolides azithromycin and clarithromycin and the impact on microbial keratitis. Cornea. 2009 May;28(4):441-6.
- Meyer D, Louw DS, Carey M. An investigation into the NAT2 acetylator genotype in cohorts of patients with chronic ophthalmic disorders. SA Ophthalmology Journal. (Published Abstract) Autumn 2008. 2(3):26
- Oghenowede Eyawo, Jean B. Nachega, Pierre Lefebvre, David Meyer et al. Efficacy of Prostaglandin Analogues in patients with Primary Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension: A Meta-analysis. Clinical Ophthalmology 2009:3 447-456.
- Meyer D. The Allergic Eye. Update – The Journal of continuing education for General Practitioners. August 2008; 27(1):24-26.
- JD Grovè, Meyer D. Ophthalmic specialist training in South Africa – Insights from a National Ophthalmology Registrar Survey. SA Ophthalmology Journal. Spring 2008. 3(4):14-19 and again in the Summer 2009. 4(1):18-23.
- Viola Maria I, Meyer D, Matsaseng Thabo, Kruger Thinus. Association between Clomiphene Citrate and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion. SA Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology February 01, 2010, p24-25.
- M van Dyk, Meyer D. An Investigation into the Sensitivity of Hutchinson’s Sign in HIV positive patients with Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. South African Medical Journal. March 2010, Vol. 100(3),172-174
- Grovè JD, Meyer D. Autogenous sclera spacer reducing astigmatism in delayed corneal laceration repair (manuscript submitted to Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery –April 2009)
- D Meyer. Pharmacotherapy for Glaucoma. MIMS Drug Therapy Review. Volume 2. 2010/2011. p277-283
- D Meyer. The Role of the College of Ophthalmologists in 2010 and beyond. Ophthalmology Journal. Winter 2010. 5(3):11-12
- Smit DP, Meyer D. Intralesional Bleomycin Injection for Refractory Infantile Periocular Capillary Hemangiomas: A Case Series and Literature Review. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2012. 60(4): 326-328
Maria I Viola, David Meyer, Thinus Kruger. Association between Clomiphene Citrate and Visual Disturbances with Special Emphasis on Central Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Review Gynecol Obstet Invest (DOI:10.1159/000319497) December 16, 2010 http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.aspDOI=10.1159/000319497
- David Meyer. Eye Care in South Africa – Towards 2000. SA Ophthalmology Journal. Summer 2010. 5(1):66-69
- N Mohamed, David Meyer, The IOP reducing effect of oral Paracetamol and its in vitro corneal penetration properties. (Accepted Clinical Ophthalmology October 2012)
- David Meyer. Serendipity, the Humble Case Report and Modern Health Science Challenges. Guest Editorial. Middle East Africa Journal of Ophthalmology. Volume 18, Number 4, p.303-304. October - December 2011
- Otutu M, Nachega J, Harvey J, Meyer D. The prevalence of refractive error in three communities in Cape Town, South Africa. S Afr Optom 2012 71(1) 32-38
- David Meyer. Are We Slowly Erasing “Idiopathic” from Our Ophthalmic Vocabulary? Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 2012, 19(4) 355-356
- Laaks D, Smit DP, David Meyer. Cryptococcal Nodular Sclero-uveitis: Another Immune-recovery Phenomenon? (Accepted by AIDS October 2012)
Peer reviewed Stellmed articles
(Published on 肆客足球 of Stellenbosch Stellmed Website for CME)
1. 22/12/1999 Meyer D . Acute congestive primary angle-closure glaucoma in adults
2. 22/12/1999 Meyer D. Essential topical ocular diagnostic drugs for the family physician
3. 16/05/2000 Meyer D. Eye cases: management or referral? Making the difficult decision the family physician often faces easier
4. 15/08/2000 Meyer D. Common questions patients ask their family physicians about their vision
5. 21/05/2001 Meyer D. The droopy upper eyelid and the primary care physician - when to beware
6. 27/06/2001 Meyer D. Ultraviolet radiation and the eye - what the family physician should know
7. 14/01/2002 Meyer D. Diagnosis and management of uveitis by the primary care physician
8. 05/02/2002 Meyer D. Assessing and managing adult infective conjunctivitis intelligently
9. 12/02/2002 Meyer D. A step care approach to the management of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
10. 12/02/2002 Meyer D. Ophthalmia neonatorum
11. 12/02/2002 Meyer D. Three common conjunctival conditions the modern family physician should be able to differentiate
12. 07/11/2006 Meyer D. Pharmacotherapy for Allergic Eye conditions
13. 06/02/2007 Meyer D. Current Concepts In The Therapeutic Approach Of Allergic Conjunctivitis – Parts 1 & 2
MMED / MSc Dissertations
(D Meyer)
- Dr Gustav Kushke – A retrospective analysis of intra-ocular lens implants in children in the Tygerberg Hospital-1994
- Dr Neil E Holmberg – Determination of Isoniazid concentrations in human ocular aqueous humor following an oral dose. – 1996
- Dr Stephan van Dijk – Primary PMMA implants after evisceration with a modified scleral technique. – 1997
- Dr Jaco van Niekerk – The epidemiology of ocular trauma over a one year period in a large academic hospital with reference to the latest international classification system as suggested by the ocualr trauma classification group. – 1999
- Dr Burnett B Meyer – Cataract project in a teaching hospital – strategic planning and application. – 1999
- Dr Theodor Keulder – A 10 year retrospective overview of donor and recipient data of theEye Bank Foundation of South Africa. – 2000
- Dr Chris Stander – Comparing the accuracy of the Orbscan II Topography System to a direct measurement technique. – 2001 (co-promoter with Dr FJ Potgieter)
- Dr Jannes H Brandt – Vitamin A shortage in Kwazulu-Natal: An investigation into Xerophtalmia during a micro nutrient intervention program. – 2001
- Dr Martin Stallmann - A Comparison between the Lens Opacity Classification System III’s grading and the visual acuity in patients with Cataracts. – 2003
- Dr Leart Petrick – The influence of small incision vs standard incision extra-capsular lens extraction in patients with mature cataracts in Tygerberg Academic Hospital. – 2003
- Dr Daniel Louw - An Investigation Into The NAT2 Acetylator Genotype Of Patients With Age-Related Macular Degeneration - 2005.
- Dr Malcom Carey - Investigation Into The NAT2 Acetylator Genotype Of Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. -2005
- Dr Derrick Smit - Intravitreal bevacizumab: An Analysis of the Evidence. 2007
- Dr Marius van Dyk – An investigation into Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus in HIV positive patients. 2007/2008
- Dr JP Grovè – The South African Ophthalmology Registrar Survey. 2007/2008
- Dr S MacKenzie – An overview of phakic IOL’s in a private practice. 2009
- Dr C Joubert – Retinopathy screening in Panorama Hospital Neonatal Unit. 2011
- Dr Nicola Freeman - The Retrospective Analysis of Paediatric Glaucoma cases receiving surgical management at Tygerberg Hospital from January 2002 to December 2008. 2010
- Dr Margot Steenkamp – Collagen X-linking in Keratoconus – the outcomes. 2011
- Michael Otutu - The Prevalence of Refractive Error in Three Communities in Cape Town, South Africa. 2010 (MSc)
- Dr Nabeel Mohammed – The IOP reducing effect of oral Paracetamol and its in vitro corneal penetration properties. 2012
- Dr Sven Andreas Obholzer – The prevalence and clinical differentiation of sun-related cutaneous lesions in the mid-facial and periocular region of Oculocutaneous Albinism cases in the Northern Region of Namibia. 2012
- Dr Henning van den Heever - A prospective, randomized, double-blind, single center, placebo controlled, parallel-group study to compare the efficacy and safety of intravenously administered paracetamol, topical timolol and intravenous acetazolamide in patients with normal or raised intraocular pressure and to determine the paracetamol intra-ocular pressure lowering dose-effect curve.
PhD Dissertations
2. Current: PhD: Darren T Oystreck: Thesis: “Congenital and genetic disruptions of human ocular motility and alignment” Registered 2010 – 肆客足球 of Stellenbosch. (Home base of student: College of Medicine, King Saud 肆客足球, Riyadh)
3. Current: PhD: J Fernando Arevalo: Thesis: “Intravitreal Bevacizumab as Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Management of Complications of Diabetic Retinopathy” Registered 2012. 肆客足球 of Stellenbosch. (Home base of student: King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital, Riyadh and Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins 肆客足球 School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA)
2013 Research Output
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ABU-AMERO KK, KONDKAR AA, SALIH MA, AL-HUSSAIN H, AL SHAMMARI M, ZEIDAN G, OYSTRECK DT, HELLANI AM, KENTAB AY, BOSLEY TM. Ophthalmologic Observations in a Patient with Partial Mosaic trisomy 8. Ophthalmic Genetics 2013; 34(4) : 249-253.
- ALARAIJ AM, OYSTRECK DT, BOSLEY TM. Variable Ptosis and Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection with Positive Ice Test Mimicking Ocular Myasthenia Gravis. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology 2013; 33(2) : 169-171.
- BOSLEY TM, ABU-AMERO KK, OYSTRECK DT. Congenital cranial dysinnervation disorders: a concept in evlution. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 2013; 24(5) : 398-406.
- CHEW S, BALASUBRAMANIAN R, CHAN W, KANG PB, ANDREWS C, WEBB BD, MACKINNON SE, ENGLE EC, OYSTRECK DT, RANKIN J, CRAWFORD TO, GERAAGHTY M, POMEROY SL, CROWLEY WF, JABS EW, HUNTER DG, GRANT PE. A novel syndrome caused by the E410K amino acid substitution in the neuronal B-tubulin isotype 3. Brain 2013; 136 : 522-535.
- GOODING C, FREEMAN N, NEWMAN H, ABRAHAMS R. Shigella Keratitis in an HIV-exposed infant. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2013; 32(4) : 426-427.
- GOODING C, MEYER D. Intralesional bleomycin - a potential treatment for refractory orbital lymphangiomas. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Sept 2013
- LAAKS D, FREEMAN N. Congenital iris ectropion uveae presenting with glaucoma in infancy. Journal of Aapos 2013; 17(2) : 214-216.
- LAAKS D, SMIT DP, MEYER D. Cryptococcal IRIS in the anterior segment of the eye. Aids 2013; 27(3) : 487-492.
- MOHAMED N, SMIT DP. Anti-allergic ophthalmic drugs in general paractice: whicy, why and when?. South African Family Practice (Geneeskunde: The Medicine Journal) 2013; 55(4) : 313-318.
- NEWMAN H, GOODING C. Viral ocular manifestations: a broad overview. Reviews in Medical Virology 2013; 23 : 281-294.
- SMIT DP, MEYER D. Intralesional bleomycin injection for periocular capillary hemangiomas. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2013; 61(7) : 367-368.
- VAN DER MERWE SK, FREEMAN N, BEKKER A, HARVEY J, SMITH J. Prevalence of and risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity in a cohort of preterm infants treated exclusively with non-invasive ventilation in the first week after birth. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2013;103(2) : 96-101.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- JANSE VAN RENSBURG E, MEYER D. Astute and safe use of topical ocular corticosteriods in general practice: Practical guidelines. CME 2013; 31(11) : 396-398.
- JANSE VAN RENSBURG J, MEYER D. Management of chemical ocular injuries - what every GP should know. CME 2013; 31(4) : 156-159.
- MOHAMED N, MEYER D. Intraocular pressure-lowering effect of oral paracetamol and its in virto corneal penetration properties. Clinical Ophthalmology 2013; 7 : 219-227.
- MOHAMED N, SMIT DP. Basic ophthalmology for the health practitioner: the red eye. SA Pharmaceutical Journal 2013; 80(7) : 20-26.
Chapters in Books
- FENERTY C, FREEMAN N, GRIGG J. Glaucoma following cataract surgery. In Childhood Glaucoma, Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013: 233-247.
2014 Research Output
Journal Articles (subsidised)
- ABU-AMERO KK, BOSLEY TM, KONDKAR AA, OYSTRECK DT. CCDD Phenotype associated with a Small Chromosome 2 Deletion. Seminars in Ophthalmology 2014; 0(0) : 1-8.
- ABU-AMERO KK, KONDKAR AA, ALORAINY IA, KHAN AO, AL-ENAZY LA, OYSTRECK DT, BOSLEY TM. Xq26.3 Microdeletion in a Male with Wildervanck Syndrome. Ophthalmic Genetics 2014; 35(1) : 1-7.
- ABU-AMERO KK, KONDKAR AA, OYSTRECK DT, KHAN AO, BOSLEY TM. Microdeletions involving Chromosomes 12 and 22 Associated with Syndromic Duane Retraction Syndrome. Ophthalmic Genetics 2014; 35(3) : 162-169.
- AREVALO JF. Diabetic macular edema: changing treatment paradigms. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 2014; 25(6) : 502-507.
- AREVALO JF. Outcomes of Treatment of Pediatric Choroidal Neovascularization with Intravitreal Antiangiogenic Agents. Retina-The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 2014; 0(0) : 1-9.
- BOSLEY TM, ALORAINY IA, OYSTRECK DT. Neurologic injury in Isolated sulfite Oxidase Deficiency. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 2014; 41(1): 42-48.
- DU TOIT SH, SMIT DP. Mooren's ulcer of the cornea after immune reconstitution. AIDS 2014;28:139-140.
- SMIT D. A challenging red eye clinical quiz. S Afr Fam Pract 2014;56(2):110-115.
- MACKINNON SE, OYSTRECK DT, ANDREWS C, CHAN W, HUNTER DG, ENGLE EC. Diagnostic Distinctions and Genetic Analysis of Patients Diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome. Ophthalmology 2014; 1(0) : 1-8.
- MEYER D, FREEMAN N. Toward early detection of retinoblastoma. SAMJ South African Medical Journal 2014; 104(12) : 856.
- OYSTRECK DT, ALORAINY IA, MORALES J , CHAUDHTY I, ELKHAMRY SM, BOSLEY TM. Ocular motility abnormalities in orbitofacial neurofibromatosis type 1. Journal of Aapos 2014; 18(4) : 338-343.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
- AREVALO JF, SERRANO MA, ARIAS JD. Perfluorocarbon in vitreoretinal surgery and preoperative bevacizumab in dibatic tractional retinal detachment. World Journal of Diabetes 2014; 5(5) : 724-729.
- MEYER D. Ophthalmia Neonatorum Prophylaxis and the 21st Century Antimicrobial Resistance Challenge. Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 21(3) : 203-204.