??Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics??

?Our division is based in the newly-constructed Biomedical Research Institute (BMRI) located at Stellenbosch 肆客足球’s Tygerberg Campus. This facility is equipped with the latest ?technology and run by top-rated scientists, positioning the MBHG division as a world-class research facility.? | ?In addition to innovative research, our division engages with scientific and non-scientific communities at local and international conferences as well as outreach initiatives, to provide feedback on research findings with the aim of informing future research and educating to improve healthcare behaviour and practices to reduce disease burden.? |
?Our division provides several support mechanisms for students and early-career scientists to be successful in obtaining bursaries ?and fellowships. These include bursary application workshops, internal student nomination processes and award of a limited number of divisional scholarships.? Visit funding support for more details. | ?Our aim is to promote an inclusive environment where all staff and students feel welcome and safe. This includes creating a vibrant workspace that gives rise to a culture and behaviour that promotes self-respect, respect for others and for the physical environment.??? For more information regarding Life on Campus at Tygerberg click here.? |