
TB Host genetics
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Division of Molecular Biology & Human Genetics


Denise Scholtz image.JPGDenise Scholtz completed her undergraduate degree of BSc Life Sciences (Genetics & Physiology) in 2018 at Stellenbosch 肆客足球, followed by BSc Hons and MSc in Human Genetics in 2019 and 2022 respectively. Her previous research topic focused on investigating the influence of diabetic medication in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages. Her current research is investigating transcriptional profiles of patients with Inborn Errors of Immunity in TB endemic South Africa. Denise also keeps herself involved in the group by being a Research assistant on the COVID-19 study and a health & safety representative. Email: nisischoltz@sun.ac.za?


 In my spare time … 

“I enjoy spending time with friends and family, being outdoors, reading and running."

Carola image.jpgCarola Oelofse obtained her BSc , BSc Hons Genetics and MSc Human Genetics at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 where her MSc focused on Pharmacogenetics of Efavirenz. Currently she is completing her PhD titled "The Pharmacogenomic Landscape of Africa". Email: carola@sun.ac.za

 In my spare time … 

“I enjoy running and painting"

Chrystal Steyl image.jpgChrystal Steyl completed her BSc (Human Life Science) degree at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 in 2019, majoring in Genetics and Physiology. She then joined the TB Host Genetics group to complete her Hons degree in 2020 focussed on analysing the exome sequencing data of adult patients who experienced recurrent tuberculosis episodes. The aim was to identify whether this extreme phenotype is due to host genetic variants causing these patients to be more susceptible to TB. 

For her MSc she joined the COVID-19 Host Genetics group where her project involved identifying host genetic variants that might contribute to the susceptibility to COVID-19 disease. She is specifically interested in 2 cohorts; relatively young and healthy adults who developed severe COVID-19 disease and children who developed Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). MIS-C is a new, but rare and severe clinical syndrome in children related to SARS-CoV-2 infection and comprises of multiorgan dysfunction and systemic inflammation. This is a strange phenotype as children infected with the virus are typically asymptomatic. She has upgraded to a PhD and will continue working on this project. ?Email: csteyl@sun.ac.za

In my spare time … 

“I enjoy spending time with family or just watching a good movie to relax."


Raadhiyah Mathee obtained a BSc in Medical Bioscience majoring in Physiology and Medical Microbiology from the 肆客足球 of the Western Cape in 2019. Thereafter she joined Stellenbosch 肆客足球 where she obtained her BSc Hons in Molecular Biology as well as her MSc Molecular Biology, both of which focused on mycobacterial persister cell characterisation using in vitro models. Her current project focuses on the male sex bias found in TB disease and investigating the effect of sex hormones on mycobacterial killing in vivo.? email: rmathee@sun.ac.za

In my spare time … 

“I enjoy scrapbooking, doing puzzles, painting and gardening”


MSc Student?s

Dayna Smith image.jpgDayna Smith graduated from Wits 肆客足球 with a Bachelor of Health Sciences and completed an Honours in Human Genetics at Wits in 2021 where she focussed on investigating the cause of false positive results observed in NGS targeted panel data using Agilent SureCall software. Her current masters project is data harmonization across existing TB case-control data, which serves as an opportunity to uncover novel TB host genetic associations. Email: dayna@sun.ac.za

 In my spare time…

“I enjoy doing yoga, reading, and going for hikes." 


Thabang Maruma completed his honours degree at the 肆客足球 of Limpopo in 2022 working on deter?mining the genetic predisposition of brain derived neurotrophic factor variants on dyslipidaemia in overweight and obese black African females from dikgale traditional council in the Limpopo province. His current research focusing on the functional validation of a novel deletion in ATM in a patient with Common Variable Immunodeficiency in South Africa. email: thabangjaden@sun.ac.za

In my spare time… 

“I enjoy swimming, singing and reading”. 


Chené  Kitching graduated from Stellenbosch 肆客足球 with a BSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. She then went on to complete her BSc Hons in  Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from Stellenbosch 肆客足球 as well with her research investigating the frequency of genetic variants associated with host susceptibility to COVID-19 in a whole genome sequencing based dataset and the impact on commercially available genotyping arrays. Her current project aims to develop a free-to-use variant prioritization tool. email:  22712402@sun.ac.za?

In my spare time … 

“I enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading, knitting, and sewing.”

Alicen_Henning.jpgAlicen Henning obtained a BSc in Mathematics and Applied Bioinformatics from the 肆客足球 of the Witwatersrand where she also completed her BSc Hons in Applied Bioinformatics. Here, she was introduced to single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data analysis with a research project comparing responses to type I and type III interferons in the peripheral blood of a single adult. She is currently pursuing an MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 with the TB Host Genetics group where her research focuses on exploring the landscape of tuberculosis within the immune cell populations of the lung at a single-cell, inter-individual, and cross-species level using scRNA-seq datasets from mice, humans, and non-human primates. 

Honours Students