Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care
??????????Project Activity: Designing, developing and implementing a national diploma in family medicine
Activity description:
Designing, developing and implementing a national Diploma level training for existing primary care doctors, from either the private or public sector, to enable them to better support the ward-based primary care teams and to offer services commensurate with the government's PHC revitalisation programme.
?This page summarises the process, by providing information on each workshop (in chronological order).
1. National Stakeholder Workshop: 5 - 6 June 2014
- ?Strengthening Primary Health Care through Primary Care Doctors and Family Physicians - Prof Bob Mash?
- Future direction of the district health care system: Role of the primary care doctors and family physicians in this system. - Ms Jeanette R Hunter (Deputy Director General for Primary Health Care, National Department of Health?)
- GPs contracting with the NDoH: The Role in Context - Dr Richard Cooke
- A Capability Approach to Learning in Community Oriented Primary Care - Prof Tessa Marcus
- Role of Primary Care at the Primary Healthcare Clinic - Prof MN Chetty & Dr Tony Behrman
To view podcasts of these presentations, please select link?.
2. ETC Workshop: 18 - 19 September 2014
The ETC is the the Education and Training Committee of the SAAFP (South African Academy of Family Physicians), and consists of the head and postgraduate training coordinator of each of the eight South African family medicine departments.
Presentations on Day 1:
Intro design wshop Bob Mash_Sep 2014.pdf - Prof Bob Mash
Presentation1 survey results_Zelra Malan.pdf - Dr Zelra Malan
PresentationforETC_Richard Cooke_18 Sep 2014.pdf - Dr Richard Cooke
Learning outcomes 2014_Julia Blitz.pdf - Prof Julia Blitz
3. Diploma Workshop: 11 November 2014
Summary of diploma design workshop Nov.pdf
- The purpose of the workshop was to look in more detail at the revisions required by the existing Diploma programmes to align themselves with the agreed national learning outcomes.?
4. National Diploma and Stakeholder Workshop:
5 - 6 February 2015
Programme of Diploma workshop 5 Feb 2015 Day 1.pdf
Programme stakeholder workshop 6 Feb 2015.pdf
Reports from each day:
Presentations on Day 1: Diploma workshop (5 February 2015)
Report back on progress from existing Diploma programmes:
- ?肆客足球 of Cape Town – Graham Bresick
UCT Diploma presentation by Dr Graham Bresick.pdf
- Stellenbosch 肆客足球 – Julia Blitz
SU Diploma presentation by Prof Julia Blitz.pdf
- 肆客足球 of KwaZulu-Natal – Clive Rangiah
UKZN Diploma presentation by Dr Clive Rangiah.pdf
- 肆客足球 of Pretoria – Gerhard Botha
UP Diploma presentation by Dr Gerhard Botha.pdf
?Presentations on Day 2: Stakeholder workshop (6 February 2015)Afternoon workshop facilitated by Dr Tilly Moodley (UKZN):?
DHET CHE SAQA processes 5 Feb 2015 by Dr Tilly Moodley.pdf
HEQC online Application 5 Feb 2015 by Dr Tilly Moodley.pdf
Podcasts of Dr Moodley's presentations are available here?.
Useful links:?
- ??Design of a new national Diploma in Family Medicine - Prof Bob Mash
Podcast available here.- Results survey of learning needs of primary care doctors - Dr Zelra Malan
Podcast available here.- The Diploma and the Re-engineering of PHC - Dr Richard Cooke?
Podcast available here.
The self-reported learning needs of primary care doctors in South Africa: a descriptive survey?
Z Malan , R Cooke & R Mash
16 February 2015??
These activities have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of these documents are the sole responsibility of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.?