
Clinical Pharmacology
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Division of Clinical Pharmacology

Publications 2013

  1. Fasinu PS; Gutmann H; Schiller H; Alexander-David J; Bouic PJ; Rosenkranz B. The potential of Sutherlandia frutescens for Herb-Drug interaction. Drug Metab Dispos 2013; 41: 488-497.

  2. Veale DJH; Wium CA; Müller GJ. Toxicovigilance I: A survey of acute poisonings in South Africa based on Tygerberg Poison Information Centre data. S Afr Med J 2013; 103(5): 293-297.

  3. Veale DJH; Wium CA; Müller GJ. Toxicovigilance II: A survey of the spectrum of acute poisoning and current practices in the initial management of poisoning cases admitted to South African hospitals. S Afr Med J 2013; 103(5): 198-303.

  4. Cawello W; Rosenkranz B; Schmid B; Wierich W. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic evaluation of coadministration of lacosamide and an oral contraceptive (levonorgestrel plus ethinylestradiol) in healthy female volunteers. Epilepsia 2013; 54(3): 530-536.

  5. Van Zyl JM; Smith J; Hawtrey A. The effect of a peptide-containing synthetic lung surfactant on gas exchange and lung mechanics in a rabbit model of surfactant depletion. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2013; 7: 139-148.

  6. Hawtrey AO; Ariatti M; van Zyl JM. Polymerization of Glycine and L-Phenylalanine to short Homooligopeptides by Nitrobiuret under Aqueous Conditions. International Journal of Scientific Researhc 2013; 2(6): 20-21.

  7. Flepisi TB; Lochner A; Huisamen B. The Consequences of Long-Term Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Inhibition on Normal and Insulin Rat Hearts. Cardiovasc Drug Ther DOI 10.1007/s10557-013-6467-8.

  8. Fasinu PS; Gutmann H; Schiller H; Bouic PJ; Rosenkranz B. The potential of Hypoxis hemerocallidea for herb-drug interaction. Pharmaceutical Biology DOI 10.3109/13880208.2013.796393

  9. Fasinu P, Orisakwe OE. Heavy Metal Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and Possible Implications in Cancer Epidemiology. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013; 14(6): 3393-3402.

  10. Fasinu P, Choonara YE, Khan RZ, Du Toit LC, Kumar P, Ndesendo VMK, Pillay V. Flavonoids and Polymer Derivatives as CYP3A4 inhibitors for imrproved oral drug bioavailability. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013; 102(2): 541 – 555.

  11. Walubo A, Barnes K, Kwizera E, Greeff O, Rosenkranz B, Maartens G. Clinical Pharmacology becomes a speciality in South Africa. SAMJ 2013; 301(3): 150 – 151.

  12. Naidoo S, Africa A, Dalvie MA. Exposures to CCA-treated wood amongst food caterers and residents in informal areas of Cape Town. SAJS 2013; 109(7/8): 1-7.

  13. Van Zyl JM, Smith J. Surfactant treatment before first breath for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm lambs: comparison of a peptide-containing synthetic lung surfactant with porcine-derived surfactant. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2013; 7: 905-916.

  14. Koegelenberg CFN, Nortje A, Lalla U, Enslin A, Irusen EM, Rosenkranz B, Seifart HI, Bolliger CT. The pharmacokinetics of enteral antituberculosis drugs in patients requiring intensive care. SAMJ 2013; 103(6): 394-398.

  15. Decloedt EH, Maartens G. Neuronal toxicity of efavirenz: a systemic review. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2013; 12(6): 841-6.?
