?Division of Clinical Pharmacology
???????????????????Postgraduate studies
For details on the application process for postgraduate studies at MBHG, visit the “how to? apply " section in the postgraduate studies tab.
There are no rules against applying to more than one university. It's smart to do so – as it extends your chances of being accepted.
A transcript is also often called an “academic record". It is a document that lists all the courses you have completed during your study programme, along with the grades you achieved in each subject.
Unlike South African citizens, who are charged an application fee of R100, international students are exempt from paying application fees.
What you pay will be determined by the postgraduate degree, year of study and duration of the course. For example: a doctorate costs more than a master's; and first-year of a degree costs more than the second- or third- year of registration.
For an estimate of the fees for a particular postgraduate degree see the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 online fee calculator.
Important notice: Fees are significantly higher for international students. For more information visit the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 ?International student site.
No. The assignment of a student number does not mean that you have been accepted for your chosen programme. The number is simply meant to enable easier communication with us, so please remember to quote it in all further correspondence with Stellenbosch 肆客足球. Once you have been accepted into a programme, it will be confirmed it in a separate letter of admission.
No. The internal divisional and official Stellenbosch 肆客足球 admissions Committee consider all applications equally and a variety of factors (e.g. supervisory capacity and project funding) influence admittance, in addition to the minimum requirements for admission as described in the postgraduate brochure.
You can monitor your official Stellenbosch 肆客足球 application status online using your username (student number) and SUN-password.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee funding for any students. Students are encouraged to apply for grants, bursaries, scholarships, or sponsorship opportunities for your course, either offered by the university, businesses or organisations, or a public body such as a charity. Please see our funding support? section for guidance on how to research the possibilities.
The Division of Clinical Pharmacology strongly discourages postgraduate studies on a part-time basis. However, part-time study arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the internal admissions committee.
You are welcome to apply to the programme of your choice. If the institution that awarded your previous qualification(s) is accredited, you do not need to ratify your qualifications with the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). However, should we be uncertain about the status, recognition or accreditation of your qualification, we reserve the right to refer you to SAQA before we consider your application further.
Qualification documents in foreign languages must be accompanied by sworn translations, word for word into English and certified by the official translator. In other words, both the documents in the original language and the English translation must be submitted.
Proof of English language proficiency (where medium of instruction of most recent qualification was not English). The English Language requirements for consideration to postgraduate studies are available on the Prospective Postgraduate Student website.
In addition, it is the prospective candidate's full responsibility to obtain a valid study permit/visa to allow them to study in South Africa.
Yes. Unless your documents are in English or Afrikaans, we kindly ask that you supply a certified translation, along with certified copies of your qualifications.
In rare instances, candidates are allowed to study with a non-residential permit. This means that candidates are not on campus for >3 months at a time. These include affiliated students, with no course registration at Stellenbosch 肆客足球, who wish to be affiliated to Stellenbosch 肆客足球 while pursuing their own research towards studies at their own university. Laboratory-based projects require candidates to “visit" us from time to time, to master lab techniques etc., but usually entail extended periods off-campus. For more details visit the affiliates application page.?