Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Proceedings
1. ANDRASON A, VITA JP. Amorite: A Northwest Semitic Language? Journal of Semitic Studies 2018; LXIII(1):19-58.
Available on Oxford Academic: https://academic.oup.com/jss/article-abstract/63/1/19/4857403?redirectedFrom=fulltex
2. BERLEJUNG AS. Katalog der Anthropomorphen Masken der Suedlichen Levante vom Praekeramischen Neolithikum B bis zum Beginn der ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 42 Hellenistischen Zeit (9. Jt. - 4. Jh. v. Chr.). In: Berlejung AS, Filitz J (eds.) The Physicality of the Other, Tuebingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck 2018: 397-398.
E-book available for purchase at Mohr Siebeck: https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/en/book/the-physicality-of-the-other-9783161555138?no_cache=1
3. BERLEJUNG AS. Masks in Old Testament? Masks in Ancient Palestine/Israel! In: Berlejung AS, Filitz J (eds.) The Physicality of the Other, Tuebingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck 2018: 141-168.
E-book available for purchase at Mohr Siebeck: https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/en/book/the-physicality-of-the-other-9783161555138?no_cache=1
4. BERLEJUNG AS. Social Demarcation Lines and Marriage Rules in Urban Babylonia and their Impact on the Golah. In: Shai I, Chadwick JR, Hitchcock LA, Dagan A, McKinny C, Uziel J (eds.) Tell it in Gath: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Israel. Essays in Honor of Aren M. Maeir on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Zaphon, Münster, Germany, 2018: 1051-1077.
5. BIVIN WE. Building Spaces: Re-evaluating the Particle ??. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2018; 44(2):1-21.
6. BOSMAN PR. The End of the Ancient Oracles: From Deception to Dangerous Demons. In: Pachoumi E, Edwards M (eds.) Praying and Contemplating in Late Antiquity, Mohr Siebeck, Tuebingen, Germany, 2018: 195-210.
E-book available for purchase at Mohr Siebeck: https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/en/book/praying-and-contemplating-in-late-antiquity-9783161561191?no_cache=1
7. BOSMAN PR. Value-added divination at Dodona. In: Evans R (ed.) Prophets and Profits: Ancient Divination and Its Reception, Routledge, London, United Kingdom, 2018: 65-75.
Available on Academia: https://www.academia.edu/38079695/Value_added_divination_at_Dodona
8. COETZEE CR. An Ancient Example of Literary Blackmail? Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South Africa 2018; 63:57-72.
Available on Sabinet African Journals: https://journals.co.za/doi/abs/10.10520/EJC-146ded35c3
9. COOK J. LXXSA - A new association in old clothing. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 2018; 74(3):a5295, 3 pages.
Available on SUNScholar: https://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/107687
10. COOK J. Recent developments in Septuagint research. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 2018; 74(3):5002, 8 pages.
11. COOK J. Theological Perspectives in LXX Proverbs. In: Kreuzer S, Meiser M, Sigismund M (eds.) Die Septuaginta 6. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Tubingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck 2018: 601- 617.
E-book available for purchase at Mohr Siebeck: https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/en/book/die-septuaginta-geschichte-wirkung-relevanz-9783161556388?no_cache=1
12. CORNELIUS I. The "Face of Death" and the "Face of Baal"? Masks from the Stone Age and Bronze Age. In: Berlejung AS, Filitz J (eds.) The Physicality of the Other, Tuebingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck 2018: 115-132.
13. CORNELIUS I. Communicating Divine Order and Authority: The Stela of Hammurapi of Babylon. In: Oshima TM (ed.) Teaching Morality in Antiquity, Mohr Siebeck, Tuebingen, Germany, 2018: 219-232.
14. DANON B. A Quantitative analysis of Caesar's representation of Celeritas. Acta Classica 2018; LXI:16-35.
Available on Project Muse (restricted access): https://muse.jhu.edu/article/739523
15. DE VILLIERS A. Liminality and Catullus's Attis. HELIOS 2017; 44(2):157-179.
Available on Project Muse (restricted access): https://muse.jhu.edu/article/697551
16. KOTZE A. Augustine Addressing God and Man in the Confessions. In: Pachoumi E, Edwards M (eds.) Praying and Contemplating in Late Antiquity, Mohr Siebeck, Tuebingen, Germany, 2018: 139-155.
E-book available for purchase at Mohr Siebeck: https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/en/book/praying-and-contemplating-in-late-antiquity-9783161561191?no_cache=1
17. KOTZE A. Augustine on Himself. In: Toom T (ed.) Augustine in Context, Cambridge 肆客足球 Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2017: 22-29.
Available on Cambridge Core: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/augustine-in-context/augustine-on-himself/DFD5D72E46CFC77BEA079F0DA52EDD5D
18. KOTZE A. Protreptic and Autobiography: Dio's Thirteenth Oration, Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho and Cyprian's to Donatus. In: Alieva O, Kotze A, Van Der Meeren S (eds.) When Wisdom Calls: Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity, Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, 2018: 365-386.
19. KRUGER PA. Jehoiakim's So-called "Donkey Burial" (Jer 22:19): More observations on this puzzling passage. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 2018; 27(1):33545, 20 pages.
20. NAETHER F. "Greeks" in a Demotic List O. Lips. AMUL dem.inv.1422. In: Ritner RK (ed.) Essays for the Library of Seshat. Studies presented to Janet H. Johnson ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 43 on the occasion of her 70th birthday, The Oriental Institute - 肆客足球 of Chicago, Tennessee, USA, 2017: 227-232.
21. NAETHER F. Sortilege between Divine Ordeals and "Secular" Justice: Aspects of Jurisdiction in (Ritual) Texts from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. In: Luijendijk A, Klingshirn W.E. (eds.) My Lots are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity, Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, 2019: 232-247.
Available on Brill: https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004385030/BP000022.xml
22. NAETHER F, SCHMIDT-GOTTSCHALK T. Die Tempeleide: Kulturelle und rechtshistorische Kontextualisierung einer Textsorte. Mit einer Edition vom O.Lips AMUL dem. inv. 340. In: Donker van Heel K, Hoogendijk FAJ, Martin CJ (eds.) Hieratic, Demotic and Greek Studies and Text Editions: Of Making Many Books There Is No End: Festschrift in Honour of Sven P. Vleeming, Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, 2018: 288-297.
Available on Brill: https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004377530/BP000039.xml
23. NIEHR HW. Kingship in Sam'al. Continuity and Change from Gabbar to BarRakkab (Tenth-Eight Centuries BCE). In: Gianto A, Dubovsky P (eds.) Changing Faces of Kingship in Syria-Palestine 1500-500 BCE, Münster, Germany, UgaritVerlag 2018: 51-79.
24. NIEHR HW. Questions of text and image in ancient Sam'al (Zincirli). In: Attinger P, Cavigneaux A, Mittermayer C, Novak M (eds.) Text and Image: Proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leuven, Belgium, Peeters 2018: 309-319.
Available on Open Access: https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/42993
25. NIEHR HW. Weisheit in den K?nigsepen aus Ugarit. In: Oshima TM (ed.) Teaching Morality in Antiquity, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, Germany, 2018: 70-91.
26. ROTHSCHILD CK. Down the rabbit hole with Barnabas: Rewriting Moses in Ep. Barn. New Testament Studies 2018; 64(3):410-434.
Available at Cambridge Core: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/new-testament-studies/article/abs/down-the-rabbit-hole-with-barnabas-rewriting-moses-in-barnabas-10/84BE61F0672157234E034634A1DDC2A0#access-block
27. ROTHSCHILD CK. Muratorian Fragment as Roman Fake. Novum Testamentum 2018; 60:55-82.
28. ROTHSCHILD CK. John the Baptist in the Fourth Gospel. In: Porter SE, Pitts AW (eds.) Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement, Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, 2018: 11-31.
Available on Brill: https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004372740/BP000003.xml
29. RUNIA D. Epicurus and the Placita. In: Mansfeld J, Runia D (eds.) A?tiana IV: Papers of the Melbourne Colloquium on Ancient Doxography, Philosophia Antiqua 148, Leiden, Netherlands, Brill 2018: 377-432
Available on Brill (restricted access): https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004361461/BP000014.xml
30. STEIN DES. Cognitive Factors as a Key to Plain-Sense Biblical Interpretation: Resolving Cruxes in Gen 18:1-15 and 32:23-33. Open Theology 2018; 4:545-589.
Available on SUNScholar: https://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/106684
31. STEIN DL. The heart of the poet at the heart of his poem: The manner and purpose of Catullus' identification with Ariadne in Poem 64. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South Africa 2018; 63:185-213.
Available on SUNScholar: https://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/105551
32. THOM JC. Protreptic and Pythagorean Sayings: Iamblichus's Protrepticus. In: Alieva O, Kotze A, Van Der Meeren S (eds.) When Wisdom Calls: Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity, Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, 2018: 71-88.
33. VAN DER MERWE CHJ. The Polysemous relationships between the senses of the Verbal Root ??? .Biblica 2018; 99(3):311-333.
Available on Peeters Online Journals (need to register for access): https://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?url=article&id=3285364&journal_code=BIB
34. VAN DIJK-COOMBES RM. "He rose and entered before the Goddess" Gilgamesh's interactions with the Goddesses in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2018; 44(1):61-80.
35. VAN DIJK-COOMBES RM. The Seated Figure from Hirbet Salih /Ramat Rahel and the Neo-Assyrian Throne-Chariot. Zeitschrift Des Deutschen PalastinaVereins 2018; 134(2):163-176.
36. VELDMEIJER AJ, IKRAM S. Deconstructing and construction: Identify the parts of a chariot. In: Veldmeijer AJ, Ikram S (eds.) Chariots in Ancient Egypt: The Tano Chariot, A Case Study, Sidestone Press, Leiden, Netherlands, 2018: 97- 119.
37. VELDMEIJER AJ, IKRAM S. Discussion and Conclusion. In: Veldmeijer AJ, Ikram S (eds.) Chariots in Ancient Egypt: The Tano Chariot, A Case Study, Sidestone Press, Leiden, Netherlands, 2018: 199-205.
38. VELDMEIJER AJ, IKRAM S. Dressing a chariot: Leatherwork technology. In: Veldmeijer AJ, Ikram S (eds.) Chariots in Ancient Egypt: The Tano Chariot, A Case Study, Sidestone Press, Leiden, Netherlands, 2018: 97-119.
39. VELDMEIJER AJ, IKRAM S. Introduction. In: Veldmeijer AJ, Ikram S (eds.) Chariots in Ancient Egypt: The Tano Chariot, A Case Study, Sidestone Press, Leiden, Netherlands, 2018: 12-21.
40. WARREN L. Reading Plutarch’s Women: Moral Judgement in the Moralia and Some Lives [Lectura de las Mujeres de Plutarco: Juicio Moral en los Moralia y en Algunas Vidas]. Ploutarchos 2018; 15:51-71.
41. WENDLAND E??. The Bible Translator 2018; 69(2):277-293.
42. WENDLAND E. How Wide are 'The Gates of Zion' (???????? ???????? - ?( ?A Textual, Translational, and performative Study of Psalm 87. Oral History Journal of South Africa 2017; 5(2):#4000, 17 pages. ?
43. WESTBURY JR, ANDRASON A. Towards a Complex Analysis of WAYH? + T Constructions in Biblical Hebrew. Asian and African Studies [Bratislava] 2018; 27(1):50-80.