
Ancient Studies
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1. DE REGT LJ, WENDLAND E. A Handbook on Numbers. United Bible Societies, Miami, USA 2016:798 pp.

Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Conference Proceedings

1. ANDRASON A. The Complexity of Verbal Semantics: An Intricate Relationship between Qatal and Wayyiqtol. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 2016; 16:4, 94 pages.

2. ANDRASON A, LOCATELL C. The Perfect Wave: A cognitive approach to the Greek Verbal System. Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics 2016; 5:7-121. 

3. ANDRASON A, WESTBURY JR, VAN DER MERWE C. Left dislocation: An exploration in linguistic typology. SPiL Plus 2016; 50:1-20. 

4. BERLEJUNG AS. Family Ties: Constructed Memories about Aram and the Aramaeans in the Old Testament. In: Sergi O, Oeming M, de Hulster IJ (eds.) In Search of Aram and Israel, Politics, Culture, and Identity, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, Germany, 2016: 355-377. 

5. BERLEJUNG AS. Living in the Land of Shinar: Reflections on Exile in Genesis 11:1-9? In: Dubovsky P, Markl D, Sonnet J (eds.) The Fall of Jerusalem and the Rise of the Torah, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, Germany, 2016: 89-111. 

6. BOSMAN PR. The 'Dodona Bronze' Revisited. Acta Classica 2016; 59:184-192. 

7. CLAASSEN JM. Seizing the Zeitgeist: Ovid in Exile and Augustan Political Discourse. Acta Classica 2016; 59:52-79. 

8. COOK J. The text-critical and exegetical value of the Dead Sea Scrolls. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 2016; 72(4):a3280, 6 pages.

9. COOK J. The Provenance of the Septuagint: A Case Study of LXX Proverbs, LXX Job and 4 Maccabees. 5. Internationale Fachtagung Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D)(Die Septuaginta -Orte und Intentionen), Tubingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck 2016: 59-77. 

10. COOK J. Between Text and Interpretation: An Exegetical Commentary on LXX Proverbs. XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Munich, 2013, Atlanta, USA, SBL Press 2016: 653-670. 

11. COOK J. The Relationship between the Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira and the Septuagint Version of Provebs. In: Jordaan PJ, Allen NPL (eds.) Construction, Coherence and Connotations: Studies on the Septuagint, Apocryphal and Cognate Literature Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2016: 11-26. 

12. CORNELI G. A review of Aristotle’s claim regarding Pythagoreans fundamental Beliefs: All is number? Filosofia Unisinos 2016; 17(1):50-57. 

13. CORNELI G. A Alma-Camaleao e sua Plasticidade: Dualismos Platonicos no Fedon. Archai: Revista de estudos sobre as origens do pensamento ocidental 2016; 16:127-137. 

14. CORNELI G. He longs for him, he hates him and he wants him for himself: The Alcibiades. Case between Socrates and Plato. In: Corneli G (ed.) Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2016: 281-296. 

15. CORNELI G. Alcibiades' Connection: Plato's Symposium Rewriting the Case on Socrates and Alcibiades. In: Tulli M, Erler M (eds.) Plato in Symposium, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 2016: 337-341. 

16. DA CRUZ MR, CORNELI G. What can the philosophy of science contribute to the ethics of science and technology? Revista Bioética 2016; 24(1):11-21. 

17. HIRSCH-LUIPOLD R. ‘Gott hat niemand je gesehen' (Joh 1, 18) Zur Wahrnehmbarkeit des ‘unbekannten Gottes'. Education as Religion: From Early ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 39 Imperial Roman Times of the Classical Period of Islam (EDRIS)(Gottesgedanken), Tubingen, Germany, Mohr Siebeck 2016: 27-34. 

18. HIRSCH-LUIPOLD R. The Dividing Line: Theological/Religious Arguments in Plutarch's Anti-Stoic Polemics. In: Opsomer R J, Roskam G, Titchener FB (eds.) A Versatile Gentleman: Consistency in Plutarch's Writing, Leuven 肆客足球 Press, Leuven, Belgium, 2016: 17-36. 

19. HIRSCH-LUIPOLD R. Viele Bilder - ein Gott. Plutarchs polylatrischer Monotheismus. In: H?mke N, Chiai GF, Jenik A (eds.) Bilder von dem Einen Gott, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2016: 43-68. 

20. KHAN GA. Left Dislocation in North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects. SPiL Plus 2016; 50:91-110. 

21. KOTZ? GR. Orphans in the Dead Sea Scrolls. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 2016; 72(4):a3271, 9 pages. 

22. KOTZ? GR. Comments on the uses and meanings of ??? in the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible: Revisiting Vriezen. Hebrew Studies 2016; 57:17-38. 

23. KOTZ? GR. Greek Translations of Hebrew Left Dislocation Constructions in LXX Genesis. In: Gauthier RX, Kotzé GR, Steyn GJ (eds.) Septuagint, Sages, and Scripture: Studies in Honour of Johann Cook, Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, 2016: 45-65. 

24. KOTZ? GR. A Text-Critical Examination of Different Readings in the Hebrew and Greek Texts of Ben Sira 35:18 (32:19). In: Jordaan PJ, Allen NPL (eds.) Construction, Coherence and Connotations: Studies on the Septuagint, Apocryphal and Cognate Literature Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2016: 69-86. 

25. KRUGER PA. Mothers and their Children as Victims in War: Amos 1:13 against the Background of the Ancient Near East. Old Testament Essays 2016; 29(1):100- 115. 

26. LOPES R, CORNELI G. As chamadas doutrinas n?oescritas de Plat?o: algumas anota??es sobre a historiografia do problema desde as origens até nossos dias. Archai: Revista de estudos sobre as origens do pensamento ocidental 2016; 18:259- 281. ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 38 

27. LYET A, SLABBERT R, VERSFELD WF, LESLIE AJ, BEYTELL PC, DU PREEZ P. Using a Binomial Mixture Model and Aerial Counts for an Accurate Estimate of Nile Crocodile Abundance and Population Size in the Kunene River, Namibia. African Journal of Wildlife Research (Formerly: South African Journal of Wildlife Research) 2016; 46(2):71-86. 

28. MATSUI S, CORNELI G. O Conceito de Saude no Livro IV da Republica: Platao Contra os Hipocraticos? Educa??o e Filosofia 2016; 30(59):209-220. 

29. MATSUI S, CORNELI G. No Tempo de Asclepio: A Suposta Engenharia Genetica de Platao. Prometeus Filosofia em Revista 2016; 9:65-80. 

30. NIEHR HW. The Power of Language: Language Situation and Language Policy in Sam'al. In: Sergi O, Oeming M, De Hulster IJ (eds.) Search of Aram and Israel, Politics, Culture, and Identity, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, Germany, 2016: 305-332. ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 40 

31. POLLMAN KFL. Mystagogy in St. Augustine: Rhetoric, Exegesis, and Liminality. In: van Geest P (ed.) Seeing through the Eyes of Faith: New Approaches to the Mystagogy of the Church Fathers, Peeters Publishing, Leuven, Belgium, 2016: 137-161. 

32. POLLMAN KFL. Tyconius. Liber Regularum as a Synecdochic Hermeneutics. In: Wischmeyer O (ed.) Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2016: 23-34. 

33. RUNIA D. Philo of Alexandria on the Human Consequences of Divine Power. International Colloquium on Philo of Alexandria (Pouvoir et Puissances chez Philon d'Alexandrie), Turnhout, Belgium, Brepols Publishers 2015: 245-256. 

34. RUNIA D. Philo in Byzantium: An Exploration. Vigiliae Christianae 2016; 70:259- 281. 

35. RUNIA D. Eudaimonist Closure in the Speeches of Plato's Symposium. In: Tulli M, Erler M (eds.) Plato in Symposium, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 2016: 403-408. 

36. STIPP H. Jeremiah 24: Deportees, Remainees, Returnees, and Diaspora. In: Zvi EB, Levin C (eds.) Centres and Peripheries in the Early Second Temple Period, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, Germany, 2016: 163-180. 

37. STIPP H. Nebukadnezzar und die Davididen. Kritische Lektüre einer These von Konrad Schmid. In: Rechenmacher H (ed.) In Memoriam Wolfgang Richter, EOS Verlag Erzabtei St.Ottilien, Germany, 2016: 369-400.

38. STIPP H. Broadening the Criteria for Clarifying the Textual History of Jeremiah 10: The Pre-Masoretic Idiolect. In: Finsterbusch K, Lange A (eds.) Texts and Contexts of Jeremiah, Peeters Publishing, Leuven, Belgium, 2016: 107-116.

39. VAN DER MERWE CHJ. Left Dislocation and its translation in some Germanic languages. SPiL Plus 2016; 50:159-184. 

40. VAN DER MERWE CHJ. How 'direct' can a direct translation be? Some perspectives from the realities of a new type of church Bible. HTS Theological Studies/ Teologiese Studies 2016; 72(3):a3233, 11 pages. 

41. VAN DIJK RM. The Standards on the Victory Stele of Naram-Sin. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 2016; 25(1):33-50. 

42. VAN DIJK RM. Cylinder seals in the collections of Iziko museums of South Africa in Cape Town and the department of Ancient Studies of Stellenbosch 肆客足球. Akroterion: Journal for the Classics in South Africa 2016; 61:1-23. 

43. WENDLAND E. Poeticizing the Psalter in an African Language. Open Theology 2016; 2:165-178. 

44. WENDLAND E. Re-telling the World Rhetorically: The Example of Shadreck Wame, a Chewa Itinerant Evangelist. Open Theology 2016; 2:881-894. 

45. WENDLAND E. Where was Korah killed and what difference does it make? A brief structural-thematic analysis of Numbers 16: 1-40. Journal for Semitics/Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 2016; 25(1):99-126. 

46. WENDLAND E. Review Article: Translating the English Bible: From Revelance to Deconstruction. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2016; 42(1):87-104. 

47. WENDLAND E. Exploring the Lost World of Scripture: A Critical Review. American Journal of Arts and Humanities 2016; 1(1):9-38. 

48. WESTBURY JR. A functional profile of Left Dislocation in Biblical Hebrew. SPiL Plus 2016; 50:65-90. 

49. WESTBURY JR. Left Dislocation: a typological overview. SPiL Plus 2016; 50:21- 45. 

50. WESTBURY JR, ANDRASON A. Left dislocation: towards a new horizon. SPiL Plus 2016; 50:201-204.