Welcome to the
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is a creative and interactive learning environment where our students acquire the skills they need to engage critically and constructively with our society. With 14 undergraduate degree programmes and a range of postgraduate degree programmes on offer, students have the opportunity to develop as intellectually curious, independent, and informed thinkers, as well as engaged citizens.
Our research, teaching and learning, and social impact initiatives are focused on understanding the challenges of being human in an interconnected and complex world.
We are interested in human ideas, human behaviour and human creativity. We study how human beings think, reason and communicate, how we live together in families in societies, and how we design our environment, deal with information, and express ourselves in language, literature and the creative arts. We also investigate human history and consider what the future might look like, and what it ought to look like.
Our teaching and research are internationally recognised, while remaining relevant to the region, country and continent.
Our degree programmes
We offer 14 undergraduate degree programmes and a wide range of Honours, Master’s and doctoral programmes. Postgraduate students are supervised by highly rated researchers, while our Graduate School provides them with the necessary support required to complete their degrees with success.
Our research
Our Faculty boasts one DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence, four NRF SARChI chairs funded by the national Department of Science and Innovation, and 79 researchers rated by the National Research Foundation (NRF). These researchers are recognised by their peers as having made a substantial and significant contribution through their research.
Our social impact
Through our social impact work, the Faculty makes a considerable contribution towards realising Stellenbosch 肆客足球’s goal of becoming Africa’s leading research-intensive university producing inclusive and innovative research in service of society.
Learn more about social impact at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 HERE.
Why a BA degree?
Our social and political world, our environment, and the world of work are all changing rapidly. To meet the uncertainties and ambiguities of the present and future, we need knowledge workers who are able to understand and solve complex issues, interpret and analyse data, imagine and create solutions, and find meaning in our new ways of living. A BA degree will not prepare you for a single career path; it will equip you with the foundational knowledge and analytical thinking skills that are highly prized in a wide variety of workplaces, and that allows for flexible career pathways. Expect to receive a well-rounded education that will enable you to learn, grow and flourish as a person.
Graduate School
The?Graduate School is an initiative of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. It facilitates and administers the awarding of international postgraduate Masters and Doctoral scholarships across departments within the Faculty.
The School aims to provide a supportive space that is dynamic and collegial and that enables students to engage with research that addresses the challenges of our time.
Global partnerships
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has research networks and strategic partnerships with universities across Africa and the rest of the globe. Our partnership agreements make student and faculty exchanges and joint degrees, workshops and summer schools, short courses and other collaborative projects possible. Read more about our current partnerships HERE.
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Contact us
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Stellenbosch 肆客足球
Private Bag X1
Matieland 7602
Phone: 021 808-2138
Student Administration queries: here
Physical address:?
Arts and Social Sciences Building
Room 492
Merriman Avenue and Van Ryneveld Street?
Follow us on social media: here
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