
Ancient Studies
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Current Postgraduate Projects

???????Doctoral students

Atkinson, I. In Pursuit of a more comprehensive framework for explaining fronting in classical Biblical Hebrew (PhD Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe)

Chippendale, S. The use and meaning of garlands and wreaths in Ancient Roman art between 200 BC and 79 AD (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: S Masters)

Daniels, AL. Augustine’s Martyr Sermons (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: A Kotzé)

Engelbrecht, EH. A Catholic literary response to Arianism during the Vandal kingdom in North Africa (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: A Kotzé)

Ferreira, N. Victimhood in Greek tragedy (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: PR Bosman)

Fields, E. Towards a cognitive linguistics approach to discourse analysis in New Testament Studies (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: PR Bosman)

Gerber, D. The material imagery of the god Anubis (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Kara, KA. A Gendered reading of Augustine's Martyr Sermons (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: A Kotzé)

Matthewson, S. The Complementation of RH in Biblical Hebrew (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe)

Meyer, M. Egyptian jewelry motifs (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Nagel, P. A Kyriology of Early Christianity (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: PR Bosman)

Okyere Asante, M. A rereading of the position of women in Plato’s ideal state through the lens of Kwame Gyekye’s moderate communitarianism (PhD in Ancient Cultures: supervisor PR Bosman)

Payton, GW. A Cognitive linguistic analysis of the uses of Toledoth in the Hebrew Bible – with special reference to its translation in the Book of Genesis (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe)

Richards, L. Material Imagery of Early Egypt (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Sigrist, D. Text as scribal product: A cognitive-oriented analysis of Hebrew Qumran Witnesses to the Book of Deuteronomy (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe & GR Kotzé)

Swart, A. The Apadana reliefs at Persepolis. An iconographic analysis with special emphasis on the identity and function of the gift-bearing delegations (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Van der Merwe, C. Revisionist mythmaking and pedagogy (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: S Masters)

Viljoen, S. An ecofeminist reading of the Aeneid (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: A de Villiers)

Warley, BC. (Polson) Cleopatra through the eyes of men: An ideology critique of Cleopatra VII from a feminist narratological perspective (PhD in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: A Kotzé)

Witthoff, D. The Relationships of the senses of Nephesh in the Hebrew Bible: A cognitive linguistic perspective (PhD in Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe)

Masters students

Baloyi, BP. Polysemy and Bible translation: The challenge of translating ??? into Setswana (MA in Ancient Languages, supervisor: Prof CHJ van der Merwe)?

Brand, I. Bastet and Egyptian mothers (MA in Antieke Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Coetzee, A. The poetry of Enheduanna (MA in Antieke Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Dalbock, A. Revenge narratives and language in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (MA in Ancient Languages supervisor: A de Villiers) 

Essop, N. Mirror of ecstasy: A study of Seaford’s view of Euripides’ Bacchae as a reflection of Dionysiac religion  (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisor PR Bosman) 

Goedhart, G. Anatomical votives from the Asklepeion in Corinth ((MA in Antieke Cultures, supervisor: S Masters)?

Griffiths, M. The contributions of Queen Tiye (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius) 

Hornea, IC. Expressions for salvation and deliverance in Biblical Hebrew (MA in Ancient Languages, supervisor: CHJ van der Merwe)

Kamper, F. Herakles in animated film: audience and reception (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisors: S Masters/ A Daniels)

Lucas, BJ. The god Serapis (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisors: I Cornelius/ S Masters)

Neft, J. Nike on Attic pottery (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisors: S Masters)

O'Connor, P. Egyptian influences on the iconography of Ugarit (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisor I Cornelius)

Price, N. Demons and medicine in the New Kingdom (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: I Cornelius)

Sekowe, MC. The grammaticalization of body part terms in Biblical Hebrew and Northern Sotho  (MA in Ancient Languages: supervisor: A Andrason )

Schultz, R. Collections of Ancient Western Asian antiquities in local collections: issues of heritage (MA in Ancient Cultures, supervisor: S Masters)
Van Schalkwyk, L. Moral exempla in Roman Stoic authors (MA in Ancient Languages, supervisor: PR Bosman)

