3. Stellenbosch 肆客足球’s value proposition
As a national asset, SU makes a valuable contribution to the country. However, adequate funding is a prerequisite to sustain our academic excellence, bursaries and student support services.
As a national asset, SU makes a valuable contribution to the country. However, adequate funding is a prerequisite to sustain our academic excellence, bursaries and student support services.
- We deliver sought-after graduates, maintain a high research output, employ many rated scientists, produce record numbers of PhDs and provide innovative student support services.
- Whereas the average first-year throughput rate in South Africa is 50%, more than 85% of our students go on to their second year.
1. Introduction
2. Making sense of funding in the SA higher education sector
3. Stellenbosch 肆客足球’s value proposition
4. How SU supports our students
5. Student fees at Stellenbosch 肆客足球
6. Budget scenarios 2017
7. Impact of 2016 #feesmustfall campaign and 0% increase
8. Current initiatives and next steps
Download the full document here
- Income increase essential to sustain our core business
- Income increase essential to sustain excellence and bursaries
- USAf welcomes tuition fees announcement (19/09/2016)
- Statement on Government's 2017 Fee Support (18/09/2016)
- SU submission to Commission (6/09/2016)
- Statement by Minister of Higher Education and Training (31 August 2016)
- Universities South Africa (USAf) statement (12 August)
- The flawed ideology of ‘free higher education’ by Nico Cloete.
- The ideology of free higher education in South Africa – the Poor and the Middle Class Subsidising the Rich by Nico Cloete.