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8. Current initiatives and next steps

Higher education sector

  • A Presidential Commission has been appointed to investigate funding options for higher education in South Africa. Universities have provided input provided for the whole sector via Universities South Africa (USAf). Various government departments and organisations are participating in the submission process. The Commission’s report is expected in June 2017.
  • After a joint meeting between the Minister of Higher Education and Training, USAf and the 肆客足球 Council Chairs Forum (UCCF) a statement was released to urge the immediate establishment of a multiple stakeholder forum including the National Treasury, DHET, the private sector represented by its associations, university councils, USAF and relevant student formation with a view to arriving at a consensus on how to fully fund the increase in income of 8% required by public universities. The recommendations are expected by the end of August 2016.

Stellenbosch 肆客足球

At SU the annual budget process commenced towards the end of the first semester of 2016 and it encompasses a detailed 70-step budget process, including engagement with and the involvement of student leaders the process:

  • 27 July 2016: joint meeting of the Student Fees-, Bursary and Loans & Housing committees to share information on the budget and the impact of the 0% increase, as well as the funding needs and scenarios for 2017.
  • 8 August – 26 August 2016:  individual committee meetings; a joint meeting of the Rector’s Management Team (RMT) and the Students’ Representative Council (SRC);  and presentations to various student leadership bodies, including the Prim Committee, the Student Parliament (Stellenbosch and Tygeberberg) and at faculty meeting.  (dates to be finalised once clarity from Minister / USAf)
  • Although no clarity has as yet been provided by the Minister of Higher Education (as was expected on 12 August 2016) SU is continuing its engagement with key staff members and student leaders.
  • 22 September 2016: Proposed meeting of the RMT and SRC (Executive Meeting).
  • 8 November 2016:  Presentation of the 2017 budget to the Executive Committee of Council.
  • 28 November 2016: Presentation of the 2017 budget to Council for input and approval.