
??????????????????Department of Mathematical? Sciences????

The Department of Mathematical Scien?ces is the academic home for research in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and consists of three divisions: 
?The Department works closely with the DSI/NRF Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA). The centre focuses on research to understand disease dynamics and improve real-world outcomes. The Department is also actively involved in the postgraduate and research activities of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), a Pan-African network of affiliated institutes dedicated to postgraduate education, research, and public engagement in the mathematical sciences. It is also host to a Research Chair in Mathematical and Theoretical Physical Biosciences as part of the South African Research Chair Initiative (SARChI), together with AIMS-South Africa?.

Take note: Postgraduate programmes in Mathematical Statistics and Operations Research fall under the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences.?

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