




The purpose of this section is to give you an indication of the fees linked to the 肆客足球's full-time postgraduate degree programme offering. South African students need only consider the information about tuition fees while International students must consider tuition fees, an international registration fee, an international tuition fee and service fees in order to calculate the total fees payable. Please note that the amounts stated for living expenses are only advisory and do not constitute an exact budget.?

application fee?
An application fee of R100 is payable by all applicants to postgraduate programmes in 2024 for the 2025 intake year.
  • The applicable application fee amount must accompany your application.
  • The application fee is non-refundable and is payable once per application.

Note: All Stellenbosch Business School's application fees are payable by all applicants as follows:  

  • For MBA programmes – R1 050?  
  • For all other programmes – R850?  ?
tuition FEEs South African Students

Tuition Fees are determined as per degree/module enrolled for and as set per Faculty. 

A representative sample of the 肆客足球's instructional programmes along with the estimated study fees of each, per annum, as applicable to 2025 can be viewed h?ere.?? 

Tuition fees International Students

Please take note of the fee structure? applicable to international students enrolling for the 2025 academic year.?

Academic fees for international students consist of four components:

  • International Registration Fee (IRF) payable annually by all non-South African students;
  • International Tuition Fee, an additional fixed amount charged annually at registration for the duration of an academic programme;
  • Service fees for academic-related services and consumable items (payable by all students, but International Students must pay for these in advance).?

international registration FEE (IRF)?
  • The IRF is payable annually by all non-South African students including Asylum Seekers.
  • Permanent residency holders and Refugee status students do not pay the IRF.
  • In general, if a permanent residence application is successful by the last date for registration (in March and as determined by the 肆客足球 Calendar, Part 1) for the current academic year, then the permanent resident will be allowed to register on this status. However, if the permanent residence status becomes effective after this date, it will only be taken into consideration at the next registration period of the following academic year.
  • If a refugee status application is successful by the last date for registration (in March and as determined by the 肆客足球 Calendar, Part 1) for the current academic year, then the refugee will be allowed to register on this status. However, if the refugee status becomes effective after this date, it will only be taken into consideration at the next registration period of the following academic year.

service FEEs

International degree seeking students, except permanent residence holders and refugee status students, are required to pay this fee for academic-related services and consumable items per annum (e.g. student card, internet, photocopying quota, printing credits, washing quota, material costs, laboratory fees, gym membership, societies, etc.) Credit on this amount is refundable at the end of the academic year or transferable to the following academic year.

No service fees are charged upfront for non-residential full degree seeking students. However, should a student incur any services on his/her student account, the account must be settled according to the dates indicated on the student account.

The International Tuition Fee ( ITF) is an additional fixed amount charged annually at registration for the duration of an academic programme and is payable in full prior to or upon registration. International Tuition Fee (ITF) is applicable for all new registrations and has been in effect since 2018.


  • With permanent residence in SA, including Refugee and Diplomatic status 
  • Enrolled in doctoral programmes;
  • Enrolled in postgraduate programmes delivered on the telematic platform [ITE];
  • With citizenship of countries within the ?SADC region;
  • From Africa beyond SADC enrolled in a Master's programme;
  • From Africa beyond SADC enrolled for Postgraduate Diploma programmes at the Stellenbosch Business School.??????????????????

Fees menu
