
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????Department of Educational Psychology?


The research focus of the Department is aimed at the educational psychological development of human potential and wellness in schools and communities. The ultimate aim is to develop and implement appropriate, inclusive school- and community-based educational psychological and specialised strategies. This will provide opportunities for optimal development and self-actualization.


???Implementation of inclusive education in different systems

This area focuses on the development of support strategies within learning environments and communities. An established area is the inclusion of especially learners with disabilities.

Assessment within the inclusive classroom

Within the field of assessment, many facets of educational and psychological assessment are viewed in order to establish a holistic approach to assessment.

Learning support to vulnerable student populations such as youth and adults

This domain focuses on the challenges of the formal and non-formal learning environment that youth centres and adult basic education centres face to serve vulnerable students. Educational support of vulnerable youth and adults with learning, emotional and behavioural challenges are researched.

Wellness in learning and teaching contexts

A critical inquiry is launched into the emotional and physical wellbeing in educational contexts in an ever changing learning society.

Therapeutic and learning support for children and families with learning and developmental challenges

Support is provided both within the classroom context and within the family or community context. Therapeutic and counselling strategies constitute this domain.

Training of educational psychologists and school counselors

Themes include the quality of counselling, trauma management and collaborative consultation in communities as well as teacher learning.?

Application Process