?Au?xin Resou??rces 2020
? 5 October 20??21??
? | ??
? 24 AUGUST 20??21??
Dr Unger recommends this reading on 4CID:?
And this reading on using 4CID in Higher Education:
? | ?
? 20 JULY 20??21??
Dr Blackie refers to the following reading in her Auxin presentation:?
? | ?
? 25 MAY 20??21??
Dr Marenet Jordaan recommends the following reading on Knowledge Skills:
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? 13 April 20??21??
Dr Nompilo Tshuma recommend?s the following reading:?
? | ??
? 23 March 20??21??
Robbie recommends this reading:? On balance:
On perseverance for postgrads:
? | ??
On links between theory and ?practice for undergrads:
? 23 February 20??21??
Prof Susan van Schalkwyk’s recommended reading:?
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