
?Au?xin Resou??rces 2019


??2024  ?


??2023  ?


??2022  ?


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??2020  ?










? ?  27 August 2019??




? ?  23 July 2019????



? ?  28 May 2019

  • The scariest module I ever had to lecture - A soft skill module in a hard skill environment - First reflections?
  •   Dr M Schmeisser?
  •  View PDF Version??
  •   ?View Blurb??



? ?  23 April 2019??

  • "The fruits of the spirit mixed with street smarts". Reflections on the first five years of a peer mentoring programme for the first-year students on the extended degree programmed within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
  •   Ms S Lombard??
  •  View PDF Version?
  •   ?View Blurb??



? ?  26 March 2019

  • Building your research profile: The rewards and risks of engaging with public audiences about your research and availing yourself to engage on other topical aspects?
  •   Dr M Joubert and Mr M Viljoen?
  •  Listen to Audio??
  •   View PDF Version??
  •  ?  View Blurb??


? ?  26 February 2019????

  • Using Pecha Kucha as psy-educational facilitation tool for training school counsellors???
  •   Dr L Damons, Ms C Jacobs and Dr L Dreyer?
  • ?   View PDF Vers??ion?
  • ?   View Blurb?
? ?