
?SoTL Conference web banners.png

????? ?????????This conference aims to address all aspects of teaching-learning-assessment (TLA) at SU in an open, supportive and intellectually stimulating atmosphere. 

It provides a platform where academics can:

  • share best practices, research findings and innovative ideas about teaching and learning;
  • reflect on and debate about teaching and learning methods, trends and goals within the current context; and
  • celebrate teaching and learning.?

This is an in-house conference offered to Stellenbosch 肆客足球 staff. Prize winners are selected yearly, and the prizes include the attendance of a TLA conference to further the scholarship of the winners' TLA.??

2024 SoTL winners?

SoTL 2024 Winners.png

2023 SoTL winners?

Prof. Theo Broodryk Faculty of EMS Scholarly Teacher.pngProf. Theo Broodryk Faculty of EMS Scholarly Teacher (1).png

2022 SoTL winners

Research track
 Riana Goosen & Gretha Steenkamp (School of Accountancy)

Title: “Towards a framework for the development of teamwork skills in Accounting students"?

Innovation track
 Taryn Bernard (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)

Title: ?"Teaching identity construction in academic texts through modality and visuals"?

Delegates' Choice
 Patricia Zweig (Research Alliance for Disaster and Risk Reduction)

Title: “Bringing Africa into the classroom?"?

Best PREDAC Poster
 Melissa Botha, Kerotse Kekana & Sabrina Matthee (Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences)

Title: “Procrastination is the thief of time?"?


2021 SoTL winners

Research track
 Ms Mariette Volschenk; Prof Susan van Schalkwyk and Prof Eli Bitzer ?

Title: “Being and becoming a Master of Health Professions Education"?

Innovation track
 Prof Craig McGregor ?

Title: “Engineering report writing peer learning system"

Reflection track
 Mr Juan Ontong; Ms Sher-Lee Arendse and Ms Chrystal Schonken

Title:  “The evolving role of an? academic online mentoring programme"?

Delegates' Choice
 Prof Gareth Arnott; Dr Margaret Blackie and Dr Catherine Kaschula?

Title:  “Let’s let them ‘cheat’! Group work in a summative assessment setting”??


Best PREDAC Poster
 Capt (SAN) Dr Dries A Putter; Lt Col Dr Susan Henrico; Lt Col Dr Marcel Reutener; Col Hlengiwe Mkhize; and Mr Godfrey Ramuhlala??

Title: “Interactive content assessment in counter-intelligence theory: assessing cognitive learning in reading, comprehension and writing"


2020 SoTL winners

Best Research-based paper
 The l?ate ?Dr Alwyn Louw and Dr Tiana Schultz???

Title: Strategies to teach graduate attributes – a scoping review?????

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Best practice-based paper
 Ms Gretha Steenkamp and Mr Alwyn Visser

Title: Class recordings in a post-graduate financial accounting course: Student perceptions?

Best reflection-based paper?
 Ms AMS Schmutz, Dr Alison Lupton-Smith and Dr Marianne Unger

Title: ?Unintended benefits of an e-block toward clinical competence in physiotherapy

Delegate's Choice
 Dr Anita Jonker??

Title: ?Institutional obstacles to authentic transformation at Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Best PREDAC Poster
 Dr Marlon le ???Roux & Dr Ethel Phiri

Title: ?Twenty-first-century learning: Keeping up with Gen Z


Previous SoTL winners


Rootman-Le Grange, I and Mounton, M.jpg
Best research-based paper
 Mouton, M. & ??Rootman-Le Grange, I.?

Title: Craig Who? Developing Students’ Scientific Discourse through Collaborative Pedagogy ?

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Best practice-based paper
 Southey, P.

Title: Blended, Interactive Learning and The Ratio Table?

Delegate's choice
 Nel, M.

Title: A Prison-肆客足球 Educational Partnership: Rehumanising Learning through Collaborative Course Design



 Barnard, M., Adams, S.
      & du Preez, R

Title: Gamification For the Win!... or not? Evaluating Student Perceptions??

 Essop, F

Title: Unique ways to enhance critical thinking in Physiology undergraduate classes

 Southey, P

Title: Concepts in context


 McKay, M

Title: Inhabiting a more ambiguous self : Using discomfort to explore issues of social justice??                                   

 Van Schalkwyk, S.; Blitz, J.; Conradie, H.; Fish, T.; Kok, N.; Van Heerden, B.; De Villiers, M.;

Title: Towards an evidence-based framework for clinical training on a rural platform: The outcome of a five-year longitudinal mixed methods study

 Plastow, N.; Van Niekerk, L.; De Klerk, S.; Bester, J.; Vlok, B.; Jacobs Nzuzi Kuabi, L.; Cloete, L.; Fredericks, J.; Coetzee, Z.; Sheik Ismail A

Title: Embedding Graduate Attributes into Curriculum Development in the First Year of an Occupational Therapy Program

 Bernard, T

Title: Using CBI, SFL and CEAP to integrate content and language learning in a higher education context??

 Nieuwoudt, L

Title: Economics' adventure into the land of collaborative, problem based learning...Part 1

 Lutz, M

Title: Using Cell Phones and Peer Instruction to enhance Unverstanding and Learning of Chemistry in Large Firty-year classes???

 Dempers, J.; Janse van Rensburg, M.; Verster, J.; Bezuidenhout, J

Title: "Hey Trantino, show me your pituitary!"????

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