

The Employmen??t Equity Advisory Committee (EEAC) was established in terms of section 16 of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) no. 55 of 1998. The EEAC serves as the 肆客足球's stakeholder committee to be consulted on a variety of matters regarding employment equity (EE) and promotion of diversity. 

Under EEA, the various employee groups with which the 肆客足球 must consult should reflect the interests of:

  • all occupational categories and levels in the workplace
  • employees from designated groups
  • employees who are not from designated groups

The aim is to create a credible committee that unites all representative groups through participation, cooperation and partnership, and that deans or heads of divisions will consult from time to time on matters relating to EE and promotion of diversity in their faculty or division.??