Gekies Publikasies
Prof Sandra Swart
Sole-authored, Riding High – horses, humans and history in South Africa (Johannesburg: Witwatersrand 肆客足球 Press, 2010). Long listed for Alan Paton Award 2011.
Radelose Rebellie? (Protea, 2009). Co-authored with Albert Grundlingh.
Canis Africanis – a dog history of Southern Africa (Brill, 2008). Co-edited with Lance Van Sittert.
Breeds of Empire: The 'invention' of the horse in the Philippines and Southern Africa, 1500-1950 (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press 2007). Co-authored with Greg Bankoff.
Academic Journal Articles
Sandra Swart, "'It is as bad to be a black man's animal as it is to be a black man' – the politics of species in Sol Plaatje's Native Life in South Africa", Journal of Southern African Studies, 40, 4, 2014.
Prof Wessel Visser
Academic Journal Articles
"Geskiedenisonderrig en die ontwikkeling van perspektiwiese, ewewigtige en kritiese denke by die blanke skoolgaande jeug" (Die Unie, Jaargang 86, Nr. 5, November 1989, pp.142-144).
"People's History en Geskiedenisonderrig op skool: 'n alternatiewe geskiedenis vir die Nuwe Suid-Afrika?" (Gister en Vandag, Nr. 25, Mei 1993, pp.32-39).
"Deurlopende Sillabusontwikkeling vir groter inhoudsrelevansie. Enkele didaktiese riglyne vir die toepassing van kontemporêre geskiedenismateriaal op skoolvlak" (Gister en Vandag, Nr.28, Oktober 1994, pp.21-28).
"Die politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale gevolge van die ontdekking van minerale met betrekking tot arbeid in Suid-Afrika" (Gister en Vandag, Nr.32, Oktober 1996, pp.24-32).
"White Labour Aristocracy and Black Proletariat : The Origins and Deployment of South Africa's racially divided Working Class" (ITH Tagungsberichte 34: Die Arbeiterbewegung – Ein gescheitertes Projekt der Moderne?, Akademische Verlaganstalt, Vienna, 2000, pp.220-245).
"Hvidt Arbejderaristokrati og sort proletareat" (Arbejder Historie, Tidsskrift for Historie og Politik, (2) 2001, pp.52-69).
"The Star in the East. South African Socialist Expectations and Responses to the Outbreak of the Russian Revolution" (South African Historical Journal (44), May 2001, pp.40-71).
"The Uneasy Electoral Relationship between Socialists and the South African Labour Party, 1910-1924" (Historia, Vol. 47 (1), May 2002, pp.83-104).
"The South African labour movement's response to the outbreak of the First World War and to declarations of Martial Law, 1913-1922" (Scientia Militaria, Vol. 31 (2), 2003, pp. 142-157).
"The Production of Literature on the 'Red Peril' and 'Total Onslaught' in Twentieth-Century South Africa" (Historia, Vol. 49 (2), November 2004, pp.105-128).
"To Fight the Battles of the Workers": The Emergence of Pro-strike Publications in early Twentieth-Century South Africa (International Review of Social History, Vol. 49 (3), December 2004, pp.401-434).
"Exporting Trade Unionism and Labour Politics: The British Influence on the early South African Labour Movement" (New Contree, No.49, April 2005, pp.145-162).
"Shifting RDP into GEAR": The ANC Government's Dilemma in Providing an Equitable System of Social Security for the "New" South Africa (ITH-Tagungsberichte 39, "Mercy or Right": Development of Social Security Systems, Akademische Verlaganstalt, Leipzig, 2005, pp.105-124).
"The Production of Literature on the 'Red Peril' and the 'Total Onslaught' in twentieth-century South Africa", in A Balezin (ed), Archives –Key to African history of the 20th century. Proceedings of the International Conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of prof. Apollon Davidson. Institute of Asian and African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State 肆客足球, Moscow, 2005, pp.150-180.
In collaboration with S van der Velden: "Strikes in the Netherlands and South Africa, 1900-1998: A Comparison" (South African Journal of Labour Relations, Vol. 30, No.1, 2006, pp.51-75).
"Dr. Albert Hertzog se bemoeienis met die Mynwerkersunie" (The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Vol.2, No.1, July 2006, pp.145-164).
"From MWU to Solidarity – A trade union reinventing itself" (South African Journal of Labour Relations, Vol.30, No.2, 2006, pp.19-41).
"Labour and Right-wing Extremism in the South African Context: A Historical Overview" (ITH-Tagungsberichte 41, Labour and Right-Wing Extremism, Akademische Verlaganstalt, Leipzig, 2007, pp.125-148).
"Afrikaner responses to post-apartheid South Africa: Diaspora and the regeneration of a cultural identity" (New Contree, No.54, November 2007, pp.1-30).
"Dr. Albert Hertzog en die Mynwerkersunie – 'n herbeskouing" (Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 33, No 3, December 2008, pp. 40-66).
"'From RDP to GEAR to Post-Polokwane'. The ANC and the Provision of Social Security for Post-Apartheid South Africa" (Social Work, Vol. 45, No. 3, August 2009, pp. 225-240).
"Die vestiging van Solidariteit se Helpende Hand as 'n suksesvolle gemeenskaps gebaseerde welsynsorganisasie" (Journal of Humanities, Vol. 51, No. 1, March 2011, pp.21-35).
"'Guard Your Interests and Read The Worker': The Rise and Demise of The Worker, Mouthpiece of the South African Labour Party" (South African Historical Journal, Vol. 63, No 3, 2011, pp. 367-393).
"The Wiehahn Commission and the Miners' Strike of 1979: White Labour and the Beginning of the End of Apartheid in South Africa" (Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 36, no.3, December 2011, pp.50-64).
"'Natal is a White Man's Land': Anti-Asianism and Pro-White Labour Politics in Colonial Natal, c. 1906-1909" (Journal of Natal and Zulu History, Vol. 30, 2012, pp. 23-52) [Online].
"A last desperate, but futile, attempt to shore up the industrial pillars of apartheid: The Miners' strike of 1979 and the impact of the Wiehahn Reforms on South African labour" (International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts, Vol. 1, No 2, January 2013, pp.195-214) [Online].
"Revisiting of the South African Mine Workers' Union – A Significant Factor in South African Mining History" (History Research, Vol. 3, No 4, April 2013, pp. 239-258). nd
"White settlement and irrigation schemes: CF Rigg and the founding of Bonnievale in the Breede River Valley, 1900-c.1953" (New Contree, No 68, December 2013, pp.1-28).
"Caught in a stranglehold between resistance and reform: The Mine Workers' Union and rightwing politics in South Africa, 1979-1997" (Journal for Contemporary History, 39 (2), December 2014, pp. 101-119).
Van MWU tot Solidariteit. Geskiedenis van die Mynwerkersunie, 1902-2002. Solidariteit, Pretoria, Sept 2008 (384 pp.)
Chapters in books
"Ou Beskawings in Prekoloniale Afrika", in P Lubbe (red.), Wêreldspektrum Boek van die Jaar 1996, Pat Lubbe Publikasies, g.p., 1996, pp.44-49.
"Early African Kingdoms", in J Kruger et al (eds.), An Introduction to Africa. Pat Lubbe Publishers, Stilbaai, 1998, pp.24-35.
"Urbanization and Afrikaner Class Formation: The Mine Workers' Union and the Search for a Cultural Identity", in SJ Salm and T Falola (eds.), African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective, 肆客足球 of Rochester Press, Rochester and Woodbridge, 2005, pp.131-163.
"Afrikaner anti-communist history production in South African historiography", in HE Stolten (ed), History Making and Present Day Politics. The Meaning of Collective Memory in South Africa, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 2007, pp.306-333.
"A racially divided class. Strikes in South Africa, 1973-2004", in S van der Velden, et al (eds), Strikes around the World, 1968-2005. Case-studies of 15 countries, Aksant Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 2007, pp.40-60.
Ellis, Daniel Edward 'Daan' (1904-1963)", in I Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500 to the Present, Vol. III, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2009, pp.1087-1088;
"Harris, Charles (1896-1939", in I Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500 to the Present, Vol. IV, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2009, pp.1556-1557;
"Paulus, Petrus Jacobus 'Arrie' (b.1930)", in I Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500 to the Present, Vol. V, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2009, pp.2625-2626.
"'Jul mooiste besitting': Die ontstaan van die Helpende Hand", in D Langer (red.), Gebroke Land. Armoede in die Afrikaanse gemeemskap sedert 1902. Kraal-Uitgewers BK, Brandfort, 2009, pp.119-125.
"Afrikaner Responses to Post-Apartheid South Africa: Diaspora and the Re-Negotiation of a Cultural Identity", in G Teulié & M Joseph-Vilain (eds.), Healing South African Wounds. Presses universitaires de la Méditerrannée, Montpellier, 2009, pp.333-369.
"Die minerale revolusie", in F Pretorius (red.), Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika. Van voortye tot vandag. Tafelberg, Kaapstad, 2012, pp.183-199.
"Die ontwikkeling van vakbonde en georganiseerde arbeid", in F Pretorius (red.), Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika. Van voortye tot vandag. Tafelberg, Cape Town, 2012, pp.481-493.
In collaboration with A Senekal: "A Regenerative Form of Social Capital? The Case of Solidarity", in T Uys and S Patel (eds.), Exclusion, Social Capital and Citizenship. Contested Transitions in South Africa and India. Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi, 2012, pp.446-465.
"The mineral revolution", in F Pretorius (ed.), A History of South Africa. From the Distant Past to the Present Day. Protea Book House, Pretoria, 2014, pp.188-204.
"The development of trade unions and organised labour", in F Pretorius (ed.), A History of South Africa. From the Distant Past to the Present Day. Protea Book House, Pretoria, 2014, pp.478-491.
Dr Anton Ehlers
Die Helpmekaarbeweging in Suid-Afrika. Die storm-en drangjare, 1915-1920. (Archives Year Book, 1991, part I)
Chapter in Gebroke Land: Armoede in die Afrikaanse Gemeenskap sedert 1902 edited by D Langer. Kraal-Uitgewers, 2009.
`n Lewende Monument. Die Helpmekaar se eerste 100 jaar, 1916-2016, Sun Media, 2016 (co-author: Nonna Vos).
Die Kaapse Helpmekaar C. 1916-2014. Bemiddelaar in Afrikaner opheffing, selfrespek en respektabiliteit. Sun Media, 2018.
Die invloed van die Helpmekaarbeweging in Suid-Afrika 1915-1920 (Historia, May 1990, Vol 35 No 1).
Weerstand teen Apartheid (Gister en Vandag, nr.31 Mei 1996).
Die Anglo–Boereoorlog as stimulus vir die stigting van Afrikaanse Plattelandse Trustmaatskappye en Eksekuteurskamers (Historia vol 45(1), Mei 2000)
Trust Companies and Boards of Executors versus Country Attorneys: The history of symbiotic "bastard relationships" in the battle for trust and estate business in South Africa to c.1920 (Fundamina, volume 9, 2003)
Apartheid mythology and symbolism. Desegregated and re-invented in the service of the New South Africa: The Covenant and the Battle of Blood/Ncome river. (Alizés, Revue angliciste de La Réunion, no 24: "Founding Myths of the New South Africa – Les Mythes fondateurs de la nouvelle Afrique du Sud" [5e collogue international. Saint-Denis de La Réunion, 25-29 mars 2003])
Trust companies and boards of executors vs banks : Aspects of the battle for corporate trusteeship and trust business in South Africa up to 1940 (The South African Journal of Economic History, volume 22, September 2007, no 1&2)
Negentiende-en Twintigste- Eeuse Plattelandse Afrikaanse Trustmaatskappye en Eksekuteurskamers: `n Evaluering van hulle Kenmerke, Bydrae en Agteruitgang (Historia, volume 52, no. 2, November 2007)
Renier van Rooyen and Pep Stores Limited: The genesis of a South African entrepreneur and retail empire (South African Historical Journal, September 2008)
South African trust companies and boards of executors and the Bank Act, 1942: From self-regulating "financial aristocrats" to statutorily controlled deposit-receiving institutions (The South African Journal of Economic History, Volume 24, September 2009 no 2)
Rescuing the Rebels from Ruin: Afrikaner Nationalism and the Political Economy of the Helpmekaar (Mutual Aid) Movement and its ?100 Fund, 1915––1917 (Economic History of Developing Regions, 26:1, 2011, 75-100)
Business, State and Society - doing business apartheid style: The case of Pep Stores Peninsula Limited (New Contree, No 63, January 2012)
Constructing Boland Bank: organizational change and transformation in the South African trust company movement, c.1940–c.1970 (Management and Organizational History, Dec 2014.)
The Helpmekaar: Rescuing the "volk" through reading, writing and arithmetic, c 1916-1965 (Historia Dec 2015)
Dr Chet Fransch
"The Reading of Simone de Beauvoir's
Sexual Violence in Marriage within the Changing Climate of South Africa, c. 1948-2007", Andrea Duranti and Matteo Tuveri (eds.),
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.
"'We would have no name': The porosity of locational and racial identities amongst the 'coloured communities' of Stellenbosch, c. 1890 – 1960s",
African Studies, 69(3), 2010.
"Simone de Beauvoir's Le Deuxième Sexe: [Re]naissance in South Africa?", in J. Kristeva, P. Fautrier, A. Strasser, P Fort (eds), (Re) découvrire l'oeuvre de Simone de Beauvoir – Du Deuxième Sexe à La Cérémonie des adieux, Bordeaux , Le Bord de l'eau, 2008.
Dr Thembani Dube
"Kalanga culture and the nature of resistance against the Native Land Husbandry Act of 1951 in colonial Zimbabwe”, New Contree (in print)
”Politics of belonging: Ethnicity and identity of the Kalanga people of Bulilimamangwe District in colonial Zimbabwe”, in Handbook of Research on Social, Cultural, and Educational Considerations of Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries, IGI Global Publishers 2016.
“Culture, violence and the female body: The practice of Nholowemwizana custom as a form of cultural violence amongst the Kalanga women of Mpalawali area in Zimbabwe”, The Journal of History Research, Vol 3, No 4 April 2013