
Ancient Studies
Welkom by Universiteit Stellenbosch

Prof Izak (Sakkie) Cornelius


??BTh, Lisensiaat Teologie, DLitt Semitiese Tale (Stellenbosch)



Ou Noord-Afrikaanse en Wes-Asiatiese kultuur, godsdiens, mitologie, alledaagse lewe en materi?le beelde


Ou Noord-Afrikaanse en Wes-Asiatiese materi?le beelde; verband tussen die Hebreeuse Bybel en die antieke wêreld

Huidige navorsingsprojekte

  • Katalogus van Ou Egiptiese en Wes-Asiatiese artefakte in Suid-Afrikaanse versamelings
  • Die Suid-Afrikaanse Mummieprojek (met Ruhan Slabbert, Departement Antieke Studie, Universiteit Stellenbosch, Salima Ikram, American 肆客足球 in Cairo/Universiteit Stellenbosch en Liani Swanepoel, Departement Antieke Studie, Universiteit Stellenbosch)
  • Die materi?le beelde van Sam’al en Guzana (Alexander von Humboldt-Stigting)
  • Die kuns van die suidelike Levant in die pre-Hellenistiese periode

Akademiese diens/Gemeenskapsinteraksie

Mederedakteur van die Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages


Alexander von Humboldt Navorsingsgenootskap (sedert 1996); K?te Hamburger Collegium for Research in the Humanities "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe" (Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum) Navorsingsgenootskap (2009-2010); Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) (2013); Uitruilprogramme met Berlyn, Tübingen en Leipzig (ook Erasmus+)

Geselekteerde publikasies

  • 2019
    (met C. van der Merwe). A Profile of yád in the Book of Jeremiah: A Perspective from Lexical Typology and Material Imagery. In: Jeremia, Deuteronomismus und Priesterschrift. Beitr?ge zur Literatur- und Theologiegeschichte des Alten Testaments. Festschrift für Hermann-Josef Stipp zum 65. GeburtstagA. Michel & N.C. Rüttgers (Hgg.). 279-304. Sankt Ottilien: Eos.
    The Material Imagery of the Sam'al (Zincirli) Monuments and "Aramaean Identity". Welt des Orients* 49/2: 183-205.
  • 2018
    The "Face of Death" and the "Face of Baal"? Masks from the Stone Age and Bronze Age. In: The Physicality of the Other: Masks as a Means of Encounter/Die Leibhaftigkeit des Anderen: Masken als Medium der Begegnung, A. Berlejung & J. Filitz (reds.). 115-133Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck.
    Communicating Divine Order and Authority: The Stela of Hammurapi of Babylon. In: Teaching Morality in Antiquity: Wisdom Texts, Oral Traditions, and Images/Morallehren in der Antike: Weisheitstexte, mündliche Traditionen, und Bilder (Orientalische Religionen der Antike), T. Oshima (red.)219-232. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
  • 2017
    From Bes to Baal: Religious Interconnections between Egypt and the East. In: Pharaoh’s Land and Beyond: Ancient Egypt and its Neighbours, P.P.Creasman & R.H. Wilkinson (reds.). 209-217. Oxford: 肆客足球 Press.
    The Study of the Old Testament and the Material Imagery of the Ancient Near East, with a Focus on the Body Parts of the Deity. In: IOSOT Congress Volume Stellenbosch 2016, L.C. Jonker et al. (reds.). 195-227. Leiden: Brill.
    (met S. Ikram, R. Slabbert, L.C. Swanepoel, F. Teichert en T. van Zyl). Animal Mummies in South African Collections. In: Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists: Florence Egyptian Museum, Florence, 23-30 August 2015, G. Rosati & M.C. Guidotti (reds.). Archaeopress Egyptology 19, 131-136. Oxford: Archaeopress.

    "The Eyes Have It and the Benign Smile:" The Iconography of Emotions in the Ancient Near East: From Gestures to Facial Expressions? In: Visualizing Emotions in the Ancient Near East, S. Kipfer (red.). 123-148. Fribourg: 肆客足球 Press.