?????????????????????? Ac??ademic
Dr Alexander? Andrason
Linguistic Typology
Afro-Asiatic &?? Niger-Congo Languages?
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??A ?
Departmental Chair
Prof Phlip Bosman
Ancient Greek Literature, History & Culture
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? Profi??le??????
Prof Izak Cornelius
Culture & Material Imagery of Ancient North Africa and Southwest Asia
Ms Amy Daniels
Latin Language &? Literature
??Classical Receptions
Dr Annemarie de Villiers
Latin Language & Literature?
Roman History & Culture
? Profi??le?????????????
Junior Lecturer
Ms Kajil Kara
Latin Language & Literature
Early Christianity????
Associate Professor?
Prof Annemaré Kotzé
Latin Language & Literature
?Late Antiquity?
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?? ResearchGate????
Dr Samantha Masters
Greek & Roman Material Culture
Classical Reception
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Prof Christo van der Merwe
Biblical Hebrew
Cognitive Semantics
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?? ResearchGate????
?Postdoctoral and Research Fellows ?
Research Fellow
Dr Jessica Nitschke
Classical & Near Eastern Interconnections; Phoenicians?
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?Emeritus Staff
?Extraordinary Professors
Prof Angelika Berlejung
Universit?t Leipzig Institut? für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Lehrstuhl für Geschichte und Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt
? Profi??le?????????
Prof Ciliers Breytenbach
Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin
Literatur-, Religions- und Zeitgeschichte des Urchristentums
? Profi??le?????????
Prof Gabriele Cornelli
Universidade e Brasília
Instituto de Ciencias Humanas
Departamento de Filosofía
? Profi??le?????????
Prof Rainer Hirsch-Luipold
Universit?t Bern
Theologische Fakult?t
Institute für Neues Testament
? Profi??le?????????
Prof Salima Ikram
American 肆客足球 in Cairo
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology
? Profi??le?????????
Prof Geoffrey Khan
肆客足球 of Cambridge
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
? Profi??le?????????
Prof Herbert Niehr
Eberhard Karls Universit?t Tübingen
Katholisch-Theologische Fakult?t
Biblische Einleitung und Zeitgeschichte
? Profi??le?????????