???????????The use of learning technologies in support of teaching and learning has become more important over the years. Not only have past disruptions and developments in the higher education sector highlighted the opportunities created by educational technologies, but the importance of learning-centred approaches, connectedness and student context has also been emphasised, along with using learning technologies to enrich the learning environment of students.
The Centre for Learning Technologies (CLT) forms part of the Division for Learning and Teaching Enhancement (Division for LTE) at Stellenbosch 肆客足球. The CLT works closely with other centres in the Division for LTE (viz. the
Centre for Teaching and Learning, the
Language Centre and the Centre for Academic Planning and Quality Assurance), and in collaboration with the faculties (in close cooperation with the
Blended Learning Coordinators – BLCs – in each faculty), to augment the learning and teaching experience for students and academics.
The reciprocal engagement between the CLT and other centres and faculties takes place through:

the meaningful and innovative use of learning technologies

the provision of advice on meaningful and innovative ways to use learning technologies, grounded in the scholarship of teaching and learning, that will increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning

the use of learning technologies to augment learning activities for residential and off-campus students

digital social responsiveness and wellbeing to ensure quality higher education, the co-creation of knowledge, student success and lifelong learning
What started off as the Telematic Services at SU is now known as the Centre for Learning Technologies. Telematic Services remains an integral offering at the CLT. This offering has expanded further into a project, referred to as the Telematic Schools Project?, between the Western Cape Education Department and Stellenbosch 肆客足球's Centre for Learning Technologies. ?As the CLT evolved, the need for academic development, research, training and support in various aspects relating to learning technologies became more evident. The CLT provides strategic leadership, guidance and support to several stakeholders at SU on the integration of learning technologies, as well as in partnership with them. Most of the training and support provided by the CLT is on the Moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS), called SUNLearn. This important platform is utilised as a virtual learning space where lecturers and/or tutors make use of learning technologies to engage with students, and students, in turn, can engage with lecturers, tutors, learning material, learning activities, assessment activities and other students.