Division of Epidemiology and??? Biostatistics?
Short Courses
Engaging with the Media: Principles and practices
The purpose/goal of this course is to provide researchers with a nuanced understanding of how to engage with the media in order to encourage the use of evidence in decision-making. Participants will learn about how the media operates and the complexity of the media landscape. They will also learn how science news, features and editorials can be produced without compromising the quality of the scientific information. The importance of understanding and navigating how to build relations and engage with the media is a core part of the syllabus.
KT short courses are offered by the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and are open to postgraduate students, faculty and other interested participants external to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Short course participants will receive a certificate of attendance and CPD credit if requested.
Duration and dates: May/June
Prerequisites: Evidence-Informed Decision making: The Art, Science and Complexity of Knowledge Translation?
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Short Courses HOME
Fundamentals of Epidemiology
- Biostatistics I
- Biostatistics II
- Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Evidence-Informed Decision making: The Art, Science and Complexity of Knowledge Translation
- Engaging with Decision Makers: Issue Briefs for Policy and Practice
- Engaging with the Media: Principles and practices
- Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
- Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
Primer in Systematic Reviews?