
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

?Conf?erences & Worksho???ps




?Seminar 20 February 2020

Seminar on Defence in South Africa - "After the SONA: The role of the defence force in contemporary South ?Africa and in Africa"?
Presented jointly by the Royal Danish Embassy, South Africa & SIGLA, Stellenbosch 肆客足球

    1. Prof A. van Nieuwkerk (WITS)
    2. Prof T. Mandrup (SIGLA@ Stellenbosch/RDDC)
    3. Dr I. T?heletsane (Stellenbosch 肆客足球)
    4. Dr. W. Janse van Rensburg (Defence Researcher - SA Parliament)

  • ?Venue: 
    Pola Pasvolsky Conference Center, 
    Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre?
    88 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town??

Enq?uiries: ? Prof? T. Mandrup & Prof F. Vre???


Webinar 20 September 20??20 

6th Biennial Conference on Strategic Theory 
Security governance in African ungoverned spaces: ? Emergent thought, new spaces and responses


Enq?uiries: ? Prof? T. Mandrup & Prof F. Vre?
