Conf?erences & Worksho???ps
?Maritime security hybrid webinar
Co-hosted by the Kofi Anan International Peacekeeping Training Center?
and the
?Royal Danish Defence College and SIGLA of? Stellenbosch 肆客足球
Theme: Maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea -? Looking back: Contemplating the future
Date: 16-17 November 2022
Venue: KAIPTC, Accra Ghana See here
Registration: Hybrid event: (online registrations closed) Register here?
For in person attendance: Registration at KAIPTC commences at 08:30 on 16 Nov?
P?rogramme: here?
Concept Note: here?
Bios & Abstracts: here???
Teams Conference link: here
Conference communique: here?
The Indo-Pacific region: a new area of cooperation for South Africa and the European Union?
Seminar Co-hosted by the European Union and Stellenbosch 肆客足球
- Which strategic interests do Africa and Europe share relating to the Indo Pacific? What role can the EU - South Africa partnership play in promoting such shared interests?
- Can political will be harnessed to ensure Africa benefits from the growing geostrategic and economic value of the Indo-Pacific? In which ways can African countries exercise influence, set or promote agendas, and forge partnerships in the quest for sea and ocean governance, particularly in the Indo-Pacific?
Venue: STIAS, Stellenbosch
Chair: Prof A. van Nieuwkerk - UNISA
- Prof Eugene Cloete.? Stellenbosch 肆客足球
- Mr Milan Flora, Dep Head of Mission, Czech Embassy, South Africa
- Mr Stavos Petropoulos, European External Action Service
- Amb Anil Sooklal, DIRCO, South Africa
Discussant: Dr Lisa Otto, 肆客足球 of Johannesburg
Closing: Prof Francois Vre?, SIGLA, Stellenbosch 肆客足球
To register for online attendance: Please go to this link?
The eve?nt is recorded?. ?Video?
Report : Africa, Europe and the Indo-Pacific HERE
Webinar Policy Paper: here
Enquiries: Prof F. Vre?? ?
SIGLA in partnership with
ISS (Africa) and the
UNODC (Global Maritime Crime ???Programme)
Seminar &workshop: Ideas for an Integrated Maritime Security Strategy for South Africa
- ?Date: 28 & 29 July 2022?
- Venue: STIAS Stellenbosch - More information ?
- Concept Note: Here?
- Programme:
- SIGLA Brief:
- 2030 Road Map: Here
- UK MSS Bristol Univ Report Here?
- ?Weather for Stellenbosch: Here
- Dress: Jacket & tie optional, Coat and umbrella suggested.
- Presentations: India? Ghana Ghana2? Cyber ?2030 Road Map? Kenya Forthcoming?
- The Coversation article on Ghana: Here
- DefenceWeb articles on event: Here & Here??
Prof F. Vrey
Webinar: SIGLA in ?partnership with CEMIS, Faculty of Military Science
Defence Economics & the art of a South African Defence Budget
Date: 22 April ?2022 ?
Time: ?11:00-13:00? (GMT+2)
Platform: MS ?TEAMS
- SIGLA Brief forthcoming?
Concept note Here
Registration link: ?Here? (Opens 8 April 2022)
- Webinar link: MS TEAMS
- Programme
- Recording available on 25 April? :

Webinar: SIGLA in partnership with The Institute for Security Studies
Perspectives on a Maritime Security Strategy for SA?
Date: 9 March ?2022
Time: ?11:00-13:00? (GMT+2)
Platform: MS ?TEAMS
- SIGLA Brief here
- ISS Today
Concept note here?
Registration link ?here?
- Webinar link
Programme here
- Recording: