??? You can find appropriate funding opportunities by selecting the category of funding below or by clicking on the funding source from the drop-down menu. Please note that in most cases only full-time permanent staff members of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 will be eligible to apply. Click here more information about Postgraduate bursaries.
Click here for funding opportunities that are currently available.
Travel abroad & International Visitors
Knowledge Interchange & Collaboration (KIC)
Scientific Travel Fund (Subcommittee C)
International Research Collaboration
Bilateral & Trilateral Agreements
European Union (EU) Funding Programmes
Project Funding
NRF Thuthuka institutional co-funding
Young researchers (Subcommittee B funding)
Support for doctoral research of SU staff (Subcommittee A funding)
Supplemental funding for externally funded postdoctoral fellows
Early Career Researchers
Thuthuka institutional co-funding
Project funding for newly appointed staff members
Research Career Advancement Fellowship Programme (RCA)
Project funding for young researchers (Subcommittee B)
Support for doctoral research of SU staff (Subcommittee A funding)
Postdoctoral fellows and Postgraduate students (Subcommittee C) ?