The Public Squares Teams
Break Free, Grow Tall, Reach Far
“Break free, grow tall, reach far" – a trans-disciplinary research focus on STUNTING reduction through resilient and nourishing food systems.? The nutritional status of young children in sub-Saharan Africa is of great concern. Stunting (low height-for-age) is a major issue and poses significant costs to children's health, cognitive development, schooling, and future economic performance. Stunting reflects a food system that is failing. This failure stems from past inequalities and a current socio-political system that is not addressing access issues. A transdisciplinary approach is needed to understand the complex challenges and to collectively identify ameliorative innovations and interventions. This square seeks to grow in depth of research as well as partnerships and has the experience and partners needed to make this possible.
Faculty / School / Department represente?d: ??
- Department of Animal Sciences
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Department of Economics
- School for Data Science and Computational Thinking
- The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Division of Human Nutrition
- Faculty of Agricultural Sciences?
Core Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Team:
- Prof. Kennedy Dzama
- Prof. Dieter von Fintel
- Prof. Lisanne du Plessis
- Prof. Scott Drimie
- Prof. Ronelle Burger
- Prof. Kanshukan Rajaratnam
- Prof. Sara Grobbelaar
- Julia Harper?????