Study fees
*estimated; subject to the approval of the budget by end of 2024.
These amounts are not applicable to international students, with the exception of international students with valid permanent residency in South Africa and international students with refugee status - click here to be redirected to the website of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 International.
Below follows a representative sample of the 肆客足球's instructional programmes along with the estimated study fees of each, per annum, as applicable in 2024. These figures are simply meant as an estimate indication of the cost of study. For a more accurate indication of the cost, please compile a quote - see the link above the table below.
Please note that study-related additional costs, known as Module costs), calculated according to the amounts of 2024 with the annual increase, are included in the amounts listed below; departments may alter these based on academic need. Estimates for textbooks (enquire at the academic departments), membership dues for academic and registered societies (R20 - R5 671), PSO fees for private students (R400), House fees for students in residences (R725) and parking fees are excluded.
For more detailed information on study fees, consult the Calendar 2023, Part 3, Student Fees, which indicates the estimated cost of a selection of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
A copy of the Calendar is available online.
Request a more detailed Provisional Statement of Fees / Quotation (Undergraduate and Postgraduate, all years of registration)?