
Legal Services
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Contact Legal Services

??Legal Services Team ?Contact Details

Legal Services Offices Physical Address

?Admin A Building
Narga Northern Entrance
Ryneveld Street

Telephone Number: 021 808 2876 / 9637

Office of the Director: Legal Services

Mr. Neville Naidoo
Senior Director: Legal Services
Admin A Building
Room 1088

Telephone: 021 808 9637

Litigation and Legal Advice

Ms. Charmaine Wing
Senior Legal Advisor: Litigation and Legal Advice
Admin A Building 
Room 1099

Telephone: 021 808 9637

Commercial Contracts Office

Mr. Che Bermosky
Senior Legal Advisor: Commercial Contracts
Admin A Building 
Room 1092

Telephone: 021 808 2876

Student Discipline Office 

Ms. Felicia van Rooi
Head: Student Discipline
Admin A Building
Room 1100

Telephone: 021 808 9737
