
Legal Services
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Commercial Contracts

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 Commercial Contracts

Commercial Contracts is responsible for the vetting and drafting of all commercial contracts to which Stellenbosch 肆客足球 is party, as well as the drafting of legal documentation.  Support is also provided in the management of legal risk, in particular legal documentation risk.

At Stellenbosch 肆客足球 "commercial contracts" refers to all agreements that are not research or employment related contracts and includes (but is not limited to): sponsorships, donations, leases, tender documents, collaboration contracts, undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries and service legal contracts. All contracts to which the 肆客足球 is a party are required to be in writing and must be signed off by a legal advisor, prior to the contract being signed by the 肆客足球's authorised signatory.

Commercial Contracts services includes:

  • Commercial contract drafting and vetting
  • Legal document drafting and vetting
  • Legal option drafting
  • Management of legal risk
  • General legal advice

Commercial Contracts' Documents:?

