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Stellenbosch Kinderkinetics Practice aims to help develop children (0-13 years old) holistically by stimulating, remedying & promoting specific motor skills and physical development, through physical activity.?????
Stellenbosch Kinderkinetics began in 2011 as an Honours programme offered at the previously named Department of Sport Science, now the Department of Exercise, Sport and Lifestyle Medicine, Stellenbosch 肆客足球.
Furthermore, we established a practice for interactive therapy and play where we welcome children from diverse backgrounds and of varying ability.
Our Honours programme extends into our surrounding communities where our students volunteer at various schools and institutions.?
Kinderkinetics aims to help develop children (0-13 years old) holistically by stimulating, remedying and promoting specific motor skills and physical development, through physical activity. After a thorough evaluation, the child's motor skill level is determined, and a prescribed exercise programme is designed. Each session is child specific and strives to incorporate FUN with the use of creative equipment to maximize the child's potential.?