
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

??????Division of Medical Ethics & Law


The Research for Ethical Data Science in sub-Saharan Africa (REDSSA) project has the overall aims of:

Producing ne?w knowledge in regard to the ethical, legal and social implications of conducting data science


To develop evidence- based, context specific guidance for the conduct and governance of data science initiatives


To strengthen the culture of responsible data science in sub-Saharan Africa ???

Inaugural REDSSA Seminar on the
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) 
of Data Science in Healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa

?Date: 11th and 12th April 2022
Venue: Asara Wine Estate, Stellenbosch Cape Town and Online

More information...?

New NIH Grant 2021

Research for Ethical Data Science in sub-Saharan Africa (REDSSA) project: RFA-RM-20-017

TheDivision of Medical Ethics and Law, Stellenbosch 肆客足球, in collaboration with the Center for Bioethics, 肆客足球 of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was successful in an application for funding for a Data Science Innovation (DSI) in Africa grant funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This project aims to implement a process for involving diverse interdisciplinary stakeholders in Data Science Research to contribute to the development of governance policies for DSI Africa. The study will be conducted in three phases:

Phase I will aim to obtain key stakeholder views on the development of Data Science guidance to inform governance of Data Science Research Hubs and the Open Data Science platform in sub-Saharan Africa. This phase of the project will start with conceptual research and literature searches on the ELSI of Data Science and inform the development of a suite of innovative educational tools that could be adapted for stakeholder engagement in Data Science throughout the DSI Africa network.

In Phase II of this project, we will develop the guidance informed by Phase I of this study.

Finally in Phase III of the project, we aim to amplify the impact and enhance the sustainability of our research, policy and governance activities by creating ELSI networks and communication channels focusing on data science in sub-Saharan? ?Africa.??????????
