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??????????????????????????????????Division for Medical Ethics & Law



12 - 14 November 2024

Research Ethics Seminar Series

Details to follow soon!

?11 - 13 October 2023

Research Ethics Seminar Series: Generative AI and Data Science: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) Challenges and Opportunities for Health Research in sub-Saharan Africa.

Venue: The Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town 

The 2nd annual REDSSA Seminar has been scheduled for 11-13 October 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa, consisting of a Research Ethics Seminar Series focussing on Generative AI and Data Science: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) Challenges and Opportunities for Heath Research in SSA. Provisional talks will include legalities concerning the generation and processing of data resulting from generative AI, data science techniques relating to deidentification for purposes of privacy protection; data ethics considerations for Data Access Committees (DACs)the use of crowdsourcing to co-create data science educational tools; the development of a harmonised data science terminology and understanding of this concept in SSH; and the dissemination of the project's empirical research results on the perspective of data science by data scientists and members of research ethics committees in sub-Saharan Africa.

?26 - 28 October 2022?

Research Ethics Seminar Series: Big?? Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Research: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI)?

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront

The seminar will be exciting and informative for both REC members and researchers. National and international speakers will discuss c?urre?nt and pertinent topics related to Data Science and Ethics.

11 & 12 April 2022?

Inaugural REDSSA Seminar on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) of Data Science in Healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa

Venue: Asara Wine Estate, Stellenbosch Cape Town and Online


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