
Centre for Rehabilitation Studies
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Division of Disability and ?Rehabilitation Studies

Master of? Human Rehabilitation Stud????ies

Programme Convenors:  Prof Martha Geiger (structured Master's) and Prof Brian Watermeyer (Master's by thesis)


This unique course will be of interest to persons who are involved in rehabilitation, e.g. Doctors, Nurses Physio-, Occupational-, and Speech Therapists, Social Workers, Clinical Psychologists etc. The approach is Interdisciplinary with the emphasis on the development of leadership skills to facilitate development, management, evaluation and research into appropriate and cost-effective rehabilitation and disability-related programmes. It is expected that the student of the course will play a leading role in the transformation of rehabilitation- related programmes and policy and later be in a position to act as a consultant to others in the field.

Admission and sele?ction requirements

For admission to the Master of Human Rehabilitation Studies (structured)degree programme, a candidate shall hold an MB,ChB degree, a bachelor’s degree, a four-year Bachelor of Science degree or a bachelor honours degree in an appropriate health or health-related field, or an equivalent qualification approved for such purpose by Senate, or shall in some other manner have attained in their particular field of study a standard of competence deemed adequate for such purpose by Senate. ?

Nature of progra??mme

This programme

  • Addresses the current need for advanced interdisciplinary studies and research in the disability- and rehabilitation-related fields, as expressed in various provincial, national and international policy documents, charters and treaties. 
  • Provides an interdisciplinary pool of specialised rehabilitation professionals, from a variety of professional backgrounds, who have the necessary clinical decision-making,
    managerial, research and educational knowledge, skills and socio-political attitudes, to assume positions of leadership within the field of rehabilitation.
  • Produces rehabilitation specialists who can act as specialist consultants in public and private rehabilitation services, within and beyond their specific professional areas of practice. 
  • Equips the qualified learner with a sophisticated knowledge and understanding of phenomena pertinent to the disability- and rehabilitation-related fields, within a human rights and social model perspective.
  • Ensures mastery of the field of rehabilitation through the high-level analysis of new information, and the ability to deal with complexity and to find workable solutions to problems and challenges.
  • Enables the qualified learner to do advanced and independent research.
  • Introduces the qualified learner to the world of scholarly communication, inter alia through assistance in publishing his own research reports.
  • Contributes to the pool of rehabilitation academics and professionals with the competence and critical intellectual abilities to ensure future advancement of the field of rehabilitation.
  • Addresses the country’s need for rehabilitation specialists of the highest quality.


The masters by thesis requires submission of a full-length research dissertation, based on an individual research project undertaken under close supervision. Examination of the thesis by both internal and external examiners (including an oral presentation on its contents) embodies the full assessment of the course. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches are welcomed, and thesis topics span every aspect of both disability studies and rehabilitation studies. The programme will be of interest to researchers and other professionals from a host of disciplines in the humanities and health sciences (e.g. psychology, political studies, sociology, anthropology, education, philosophy, rehabilitation disciplines, medicine, nursing, public health, and many more), as well as all other fields concerned with disability as an issue of social justice, inequality, identity and inclusion (e.g. law, engineering, information technology and human resource management). Disability studies is by its nature interdisciplinary, as disability inequality occurs in every sector of society. We therefore welcome engagement with new fields. Thesis topics are finalised in consultation with the head of the Division, and constrained by the availability of supervision capacity in a particular field of study. In individual cases, supplementary study from the theoretical modules of the structured programme may be required by the Head of the Division.?

Admission and selection requirements

For admission to the Master of Human Rehabilitation Studies (thesis)degree programme, a candidate shall hold an MB,ChB degree, a bachelor's degree, a four-year Bachelor of Science degree or a bachelor honours degree in an appropriate humanities, health or health-related field, or any other field demonstrably concerned with disability inclusion (or an equivalent qualification approved for such purpose by Senate, or shall in some other manner have attained in their particular field of study a standard of competence deemed adequate for such purpose by Senate.?

Master of Human Rehabilitation Studies (structured)

Module outline and credit values
First year
Epidemiology and Research Methodology 842(40)
Rehabilitation I 871(40)
Second year
Rehabilitation II 872(40)
Assignment 814(60)

Assessment and examination

  • The Epidemiology and Research Methodology as well as the Rehabilitation I modules are completed at the end of the first year of study, and the Rehabilitation II and Assignment modules at the end of the second year.

  • The programme is assessed on a continuous basis by means of tests and assignments. Written examinations are taken in the Rehabilitation I and II modules.

  • A minimum mark of 50% is required for each module in order to pass the programme. The student is required to submit a satisfactory research assignment from which it is
    evident that he is able to conduct an independent scientific study and interpret the results.

Master of Human Rehabilitation Studies (thesis)

Module outline and credit values
Thesis 872(180)
Assessment and examination
A mark of at least 50% must be achieved to pass the thesis.

Programme coordinator: ????
