
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Current Projects

The Chair is currently busy with the following postgraduate research projects in 2019:

Industrial Engineering Projects
  1. ?Life Cycle Costing For rolling Stock
  2. A longevity escape velocity model for rail rolling stock
  3. Application of particle swarm optimization to develop a dynamic model to optimize metro train timetable
  4. Analysis and Modelling of the Track Quality Index of Railways in South Africa  
  5. Predictive maintenance in railway: A machine learning approach for anomaly detection and condition monitoring
  6. Decision support model to assist in the modernisation of depots for new rolling stock
Mechanical Engineering Projects

  1. Towards a Digital Twin for rail Infrastructure?

Civil  Engineering Projects

  1. Investigation into the Feasibility of Modular Pedestrian Bridges
  2. Fire modelling and behavior of a rail rolling stock coach
  3. Long-distance passenger rail review of South Africa 
  4. Using Artificial Intelligence for fault detection of rail Infrastructure
Logistics Projects

  1. Revita?lising South African rail: The case of public-private partnerships